Is one of the factors associated with fatal crashes?

Is one of the factors associated with fatal crashes?

Leading Causes of Fatal Vehicle Accidents The single biggest cause of fatal car accidents is distracted driving. Alcohol or drug use while driving often contributes to this fact. Other common factors contributing to auto crashes are: Misuse of alcohol, narcotics, and prescription medications while driving.

Is a critical factor in avoiding a collision?

Of the two, reaction time is the critical factor in determining the distance it takes to stop your vehicle. The more quickly you can perceive a problem and react to it, especially at higher speeds, the better your chances are of avoiding a collision.

What is the most critical factor for driving safely?

Vision is particularly important because it is the primary sense used in driving. About 90 percent of the information required for safe driving relates to vision. Cognition and physical ability are other key factors in driving.

What is the most important and safest thing a driver should do before driving away?

What is the most important and safest thing a driver can do before driving away? Put on a safety belt and turn off electronics. Illegal in Maryland if the vehicle is unattended and is not necessary. Check all mirrors, complete head checks, and use back up cameras if available.

When should you adjust your speed to turn?

It’s important to signal before reducing your speed, as this is how you’ll warn vehicles behind you of your intentions of turning. Remember that you must signal 100 feet before turns in residential/city driving areas and 200 feet in highway/rural areas.

What are the 3 major conditions that require a driver to adjust speed?

Changes in visibility, traction, and space are the three major highway conditions that require the driver to adjust speed.

How much should you reduce your speed on a icy road?

You should reduce your speed by 1/3 on wet roads and by 1/2 or more on snow packed roads (i.e., if you would normally be traveling at a speed of 60 mph on dry pavement, then on a wet road you should reduce your speed to 40 mph, and on a snow-packed road you should reduce your speed to 30 mph).