How does the level of risk determine the type of agent used to decontaminate?

How does the level of risk determine the type of agent used to decontaminate?

2.6 Explain how the level of risk determines the type of agent that may be used to decontaminate The agent used is chosen by firstly evaluating the level of risk. There are agents for different risks, low risk is water and detergent, medium risk is disinfectants and high risk is sterilising agents.

What are the potential risks of failing to decontaminate equipment and instruments?

For example, surgical instruments pose a high risk of cross-infection if they are inadequately decontaminated between use with each patient. These instruments become contaminated with blood and other high-risk bodily fluids, posing a risk of cross-infection with bloodborne viruses such as hepatitis B and HIV.

How can correct management of the environment Minimises the spread of infection?

High standards of environmental hygiene, through proper cleaning regimes, are important in minimising the risk of transmission of infection.

  1. Cleaning schedules. Cleanliness in clinical practice is part of the infection control strategy.
  2. Ventilation.
  3. Maintenance work.
  4. Building Design.
  5. Interior layout.
  6. References.

How can carrying out a risk assessment prevent and/or control the risk of infection spreading?

Being stringent about carrying out regular risk assessments when appropriate to do so is crucial to preventing an outbreak of infection. Risk assessments help organisations to identify potential hazards and react to them before they cause an outbreak of infection or disease.

What are the 3 levels of disinfection?


  • High-level (semicritical items; [except dental] will come in contact with mucous membrane or nonintact skin)
  • Intermediate-level (some semicritical items1 and noncritical items)
  • Low-level (noncritical items; will come in contact with intact skin)

What are the different categories of waste and the associated risks?

Types of Healthcare Waste

  • Clinical Waste. Clinical waste (sometimes referred to as ‘healthcare waste’) is that which poses a risk of infection or contamination.
  • Cytotoxic Waste.
  • Offensive Waste.
  • Domestic Waste.
  • Anatomical Waste.
  • Environmental Risks.
  • Clinical Waste.
  • Cytotoxic Waste.

Why is it important to carry out a risk assessment for the prevention and control of infection?

Risk assessments help organisations to identify the presence of infection early on. The spread of the infection can then be nipped in the bud, minimising contamination and the danger to human health and safety.

What is the meaning of risk in relation to infection prevention and control?

Learning outcome 4: Understand the importance of risk assessment in relation. to the prevention and control of infections. Define the term ‘risk’ • Risk: likelihood a person will be harmed or suffer adverse health effects.

What are the concepts of risk in cleaning?

The concepts of risk in dealing with specific types of contamination are to deal with the process of cleaning, sterilise and disinfected before carrying out the management. It requires that each item, equipment must be clean and sterilised.

What is the risk management of a contamination?

Risk Management of Contamination 1 Particulate contaminants. Contamination comes in the form of particles which is one… 2 Risk management. In todays safety conscious and highly regulated / legislated society… 3 Contract manufacturing. The current financial pressures combined with many other reasons such as…

How is the level of risk related to decontamination?

The level of risk determines the types of an agent that needs to be decontaminated depends on the severity level of the contamination such as high risk (equipment) low risk (bedpans) and low risks (surface and floors).

What are the four main types of contamination?

Physical, chemical and environmental. What are the 4 main types of contamination hazard? There are four main categories of contamination. The four main types are water, dilute acids, dilute bases, and organic solvents. What are types of business risk?