What is the difference between Chi original and Chi air?

What is the difference between Chi original and Chi air?

Chi Air Expert Classic The difference between this iron versus the Original model is the coating on the plates. While the Chi Original uses ceramic plates, the Chi Air Expert Classic uses tourmaline coated ceramic plates.

How hot does an ultra Chi get?

The Chi Ultra comes with five different heat settings ranging from 330 to 410 degrees Fahrenheit. When you first turn it on, it's automatically set to 370 degrees and takes only 30 seconds (yes, I timed it) to fully heat up.

Which Chi is better titanium or ceramic?

Titanium is a naturally-occurring metal. It is extremely strong but also very light. It heats up the quickest of all flat irons and with quite intense heat, so Titanium flat irons are good for normal to thick or coarse hair! … If you have delicate hair, a ceramic iron is the one for you!