What is the difference between a wok and a saute pan?

What is the difference between a wok and a saute pan?

The difference is in the details. A wok takes a much shorter time to cook vegetables and meat perfectly, usually about 3 to 8 minutes. The trick for cooking food quickly in a wok is the same as a frying pan. … Whereas with a flat-bottomed frying pan, sautéing can get a little tricky.

Can you stir fry in a saute pan?

Sauté pans have vertical sides and frying pan's tend to taper out. This makes frying pans ideal for quick cooking methods like stir frying as you can easily keep things moving. Straight sides do come in handy for other things though.

Is sauteing healthier than frying?

While methods like steaming are better than boiling, the answer depends on the vegetable. … Saute, don't fry – Sauteing in a bit of healthy cooking oil, such as extra-virgin olive oil, is a great way to cook many vegetables.

What is saute mean in cooking?

Sautéing, defined. To sauté is to cook food quickly in a minimal amount of fat over relatively high heat. The word comes from the French verb sauter, which means "to jump," and describes not only how food reacts when placed in a hot pan but also the method of tossing the food in the pan.