What is the difference between a gammon joint and bacon joint?

What is the difference between a gammon joint and bacon joint?

A bacon joint is a piece of cured pork, made with any cut of meat, unlike gammon. Correctly, gammon is the hind leg cut from a side of bacon after curing and traditionally the cure should be the mildest, but we are getting into the habit of calling any bacon joint suitable for boiling and baking a piece of gammon.

Is Gammon healthier than bacon?

Pan-Fried Bacon When we compare this with gammon, which has a total of 17g of fat per 100g it's clear that gammon is a much healthier option. You should also take into account that although gammon has a high sodium content it still tastes much the same as bacon and is better for your health overall.

What is the difference between a gammon and ham?

Gammon is the name given to the meat from the hind legs of a pig that has been cured in the same way as bacon. The main difference between gammon and ham is that gammon will be sold raw and needs to be cooked; ham is sold cooked or dry-cured and ready for eating.

What is the best cut of Gammon?

Middle gammon or fillet end of gammon is the top half of the leg, weighing about 2-3kg, and is the best gammon joint for roasting or boiling because it yields the largest, neatest slices.