
What can I use instead of butter on toast?

What can I use instead of butter on toast?

However, sometimes a recipe calls for salted butter, but all you have is unsalted butter. So here's a simple rule of thumb to use so you can make the recipe with unsalted butter. Just remember, for every half cup (1 stick or ¼ lb) of salted butter required, you can add ¼ teaspoon of salt to Challenge Unsalted Butter.

What can you use besides butter?

Replace butter with vegetable oil in equal amounts in quick breads and muffins. For every 1/4 cup butter, use 4 tablespoons vegetable oil or 3 tablespoons olive oil. … In this case, stick with butter, although you could add an additional tablespoon of vegetable oil for moisture if a batter seems dry.

Can I use peanut butter instead of eggs?

Nut butters like peanut, cashew or almond butter can also be used to substitute eggs in most recipes. To replace one egg, use 3 tablespoons (60 grams) of nut butter. This may affect the flavor of your finished product, and it's best used in brownies, pancakes and cookies.

Is a whole stick of butter 1/2 cup?

One full stick of butter measures 1/2 cup, or 8 tablespoons. One half-stick of butter is 1/4 cup, or 4 tablespoons.

Can I substitute peanut butter chips with peanut butter?

Unless they are called for in a particular recipe, many people do not make use of peanut butter chips. … If you want to substitute peanut butter with peanut butter chips, it is best to do so with a sweet recipe versus a savory one because of the sweetness that the peanut butter chips would add.

Can I use cream cheese instead of butter?

If you are looking lower saturated fats in your foods, consider replacements for butter. One possibility is cream cheese, but you do not want to use it as a substitution in recipes that call for a fat. However, you can use cream cheese instead of butter in recipes that are not affected by the reduced amount of fat.

Can I use oil instead of butter?

When substituting oil for butter in a baking recipe, it doesn't go as a 1:1 substitution; use ¾ the amount of oil for the specified amount of butter in a recipe. For example, if the recipe calls for 1 cup of butter, substitute it with ¾ cup of oil.

What does butter do in baking?

Butter performs a variety of functions in baked products such as cakes, pastries, dough's, breads and biscuits. Butter contributes to product flavor, mouthfeel, texture and shelf life. In regards to flavor, butter imparts its own very distinct flavor in addition to helping uniformly distribute other ingredient flavors.

How do you substitute yogurt for butter?

Another way to substitute Greek yogurt for butter in a baked goods recipe is to just replace half the butter with an equal amount of yogurt. In this case, for a muffin recipe that calls for 1 cup of butter, use 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt and keep the other 1/2 cup of butter.

What is a half cup of butter?

Replace half the amount of butter in your recipe with applesauce; if the recipe calls for one cup of butter, use half a cup of butter and half a cup of applesauce. If you don't mind a denser, more moist bread, replace all the butter with applesauce to cut even more calories and fat.

Can I use olive oil instead of butter?

As a general rule of thumb, substitute three-quarters of the butter in a recipe with olive oil. In other words: If a baking recipe calls for a stick of butter (8 tablespoons), for example, use 6 tablespoons of olive oil.

How much butter is a stick?

1 stick or 1/2 cup butter is equal to 4 ounces, or 113 grams.

Is coconut oil better than butter?

Whilst avocados and nuts are good fats, coconut oil is a saturated fat and thus no better for us that butter, the American Heart Association says in its updated advice. … 82 per cent of the fat in coconut oil is saturated, which is more than butter (63 per cent), beef fat (50 per cent) and pork lard (39 per cent).

How bad is butter for you?

High-fat dairy products like butter have been linked to a reduced risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart problems. Still, butter is high in calories and saturated fat and should be enjoyed in moderation. It's best to consume it alongside a mix of heart-healthy fats like olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish.

Can you use shortening instead of butter?

In general, you can substitute shortening for butter in equal amounts in baking recipes (not the frosting or icing, though—yuck). Shortening yields higher, lighter-textured baked goods, which is sometimes preferable to butter (depending on what you're making).

Can I use coconut oil instead of butter?

A 1:1 butter to coconut oil ratio can be used in most recipes, according to This means that if the recipe calls for 1/3 cup of butter, you should use the same amount of coconut oil.

Can you substitute peanut butter for Nutella?

My kids really enjoy Nutella sandwiches since peanut butter isn't an option. Plus, you can substitute Nutella in recipes calling for peanut butter for a different taste while still maintaining a similar consistency.

What can you substitute for butter for cookies?

You can substitute equal amounts of liquid cooking oils for butter in most cookie recipes or use virgin coconut oil. If the recipe calls for salted butter, you may want to add 1/2 teaspoon of salt per cup of butter, and when using oils you should substitute 7/8 cup for each cup of butter.

Can you substitute Crisco for butter?

In general, you can substitute Crisco shortening for butter or margarine in equal amounts. Not only does Crisco shortening have 50% less saturated fat than butter and 0g trans fat per serving, it gives you higher, lighter-textured baked goods.

Is canola oil a vegetable oil?

Canola oil is actually a type of vegetable oil that comes from the rapeseed or canola plant, according to Marisa Moore, RDN. … You may find a blend of different types of vegetable oils, like sunflower oil, corn oil, and olive oil-in fact, there could even be some canola oil.

What can I substitute for butter in mashed potatoes?

Simply use 3/4 cup of olive oil for every cup of butter called for in a recipe. Olive oil is also an effective butter substitute in pasta sauces and mashed potatoes. Touted as a heart-healthy staple by the American Heart Association, olive oil is loaded with healthy unsaturated fats that are worth the extra calories.

Can I use margarine instead of butter?

In baking, melted margarine could work in recipes that call for melted butter, but in recipes that call for softened butter, swapping in tub margarine may change the texture; for example, cakes will be less tender, and cookies will generally spread out more and be less crisp.

Is peanut butter a butter?

Butter is normally produced from the milk of cow. But butter is also made from milk of other mammals like goats, sheep, buffalo and yaks. On the other hand, Peanut butter is made from roasted ground peanuts. Dextrose or other sweeteners, hydrogenated vegetable oil and salt are the main ingredients in peanut butter.

Can you use olive oil instead of vegetable oil in brownies?

Olive Oil in Brownies. Using olive oil instead of vegetable oil will give your brownies a fruity, slightly bitter taste that can be a great complement to chocolate. … Swapping olive oil into your brownies will not only add an unexpected flavor, but will also provide you with a healthier fat than butter or vegetable oil.

What if I don’t have unsalted butter?

However, sometimes a recipe calls for salted butter, but all you have is unsalted butter. So here's a simple rule of thumb to use so you can make the recipe with unsalted butter. Just remember, for every half cup (1 stick or ¼ lb) of salted butter required, you can add ¼ teaspoon of salt to Challenge Unsalted Butter.