How many copies did each Harry Potter book sell?

How many copies did each Harry Potter book sell?

Between 50 million and 100 million copies

Book Author(s) Approximate sales
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets J. K. Rowling 77 million
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban J. K. Rowling 65 million
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire J. K. Rowling 65 million
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix J. K. Rowling 65 million

Who holds the record for most books written?

L. Ron Hubbard

What is the smallest book ever made?

Teeny Ted from Turnip Town

Who is the richest author?

JK Rowling

How much did JK Rowling make from the first Harry Potter book?

But JK Rowling was actually only paid an advance of £2,500 for the first book in 1997 by Bloomsbury Publishing. According to Fortune, the Harry Potter books made roughly $7.7 billion (£6.1 billion), which means JK Rowling would have made $1.15 billion (£914 million) from the novels.

How much did JK Rowling sell Harry Potter for?

Harry Potter Has Earned Her an Enormous Amount of Money Let’s assume Rowling earned a standard 10 percent and then do some simple math (so sorry): 10 percent of $7.7 billion is $770 million, multiplied by 2 for book and movie sales = just over $1.5 billion. Cool, so the opposite of shabby.

How many copies does the average children’s book sell?

Most picture books sell from 5,000-10,000 copies in hardcover and go out of print within two years. Few picture books go into paperback.

How much can you earn as an author?

An annual survey carried out by University of Glasgow tracked author earnings over the past 15 years. The results showed a clear drop in average author income, from £18,013 in 2006 to £10,497 in 2018. You also need to remember that most writers aren’t solely living off writing alone.

How do I advertise my self published book on Amazon?

Ten ways to market your books

  1. Create a compelling cover.
  2. Edit and proofread your book well.
  3. Write a compelling description of your book.
  4. Introduce yourself to your readers.
  5. Promote your book online.
  6. Publish paperbacks through KDP.
  7. Upload videos and book trailers.

How do I sell my self published book online?

Easy Setup

  1. Easy Setup. Step 1: Make your book.
  2. Step 2: Create your listing. Choose a book from your dashboard, and click ‘Sell my book’.
  3. Step 3: Set your price. For your chosen book, set your price under the Sell & Distribute tab for the listing.
  4. Step 4: Promote your book.