
How can I write very fast in exam?

How can I write very fast in exam?

Position your ring and pinky fingers underneath your middle finger, not touching the pen. Your middle finger should grip the pen more lightly than your thumb and index finger. Use it to hold the pen still. Make sure the back end of the pen rests against the top part of your hand.

How do you write faster with a pen?

The idea of gel ink is to achieve a balance so that it dries quickly and is less likely to blot or smudge, but still flows freely enough to write more smoothly than a standard ballpoint. Because gels use pigments, rather than dyes, there also is more variation in the colours available.

Why do gel pens skip?

When you experience too little or too much ink, it is probably because you changing the drawing direction too frequently. Gel pens don't like this. … Changing the direction causes skips, while drawing too many lines in the same direction without cleaning the nib causes ink blobs.

How do you get gel pens to write smoothly?

Use a water dropper to add a drop or two of water to the ink. Shake the pen and attempt to write. If it doesn't work, add slightly more water and try again. Soak entire pen in warm water for 5 minutes as a last effort to revive the pen.