What is the rarest turquoise?

What is the rarest turquoise?

Lander Blue Spiderweb Turquoise is some of the rarest Turquoise on earth and in high demand, Buyers must beware of impersonators, the highest grade of Chinese Spiderweb Turquoise is often sold as Lander Blue Turquoise, it takes an experienced professional to detect true Lander Blue Turquoise.

Is Turquoise worth any money?

What is the value of your turquoise stone? How much a turquoise stone is worth is a common question among turquoise collectors. The price of turquoise stones normally range from $1 to $10 per carat but can range from $0.05 to $1000 per carat depending on the quality.

How can I tell if Turquoise is real?

If you have a rough natural piece, use your finger nail to rub along the surface of the stone. If your nail gets caught on where the Turquoise meets the webbing, then this is a good indication of natural Turquoise. The next observation you can make is about the hardness of the mineral.

Do pawn shops buy turquoise jewelry?

A Sterling silver, turquoise, and coral, belt buckle currently sells for $65. Pawn shops determine the sale value of your Sterling silver, turquoise, and coral, belt buckle by searching eBay mostly, to get a current market value of your item.

What is the best quality turquoise?

Bisbee Turquoise is known for being the finest quality Turquoise that has ever come out of the ground in North America. Bisbee Turquoise runs from light to dark blue and from light to dark green in color, however, the blue color ranges are dominant in Bisbee Turquoise.

Where is the best turquoise found?

"The most common places known for good quality turquoise are Iran (Persia), Egypt, Northwest China, Mexico and the southwestern part of the United States. Although there can be mines found in many states, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada are the most common places where you will find them.

Why is turquoise so expensive?

Government restrictions and the high costs of mining have also impeded the ability to find gem-quality turquoise. Very few mines operate commercially and most of today's turquoise is recovered as a byproduct of copper mining.

What does turquoise stand for?

The color turquoise is associated with meanings of refreshing, feminine, calming, sophisticated, energy, wisdom, serenity, wholeness, creativity, emotional balance, good luck, spiritual grounding, friendship, love, joy, tranquility, patience, intuition, and loyalty.

How much is a pound of turquoise worth?

For the same pound (roughly 1,200-1,500 carats) of gem grade turquoise, on the low end, it would sell for $50 per carat x 1,200 carats for a total of $60,000 per pound — roughly three times the price of gold.

What are all the different colors of turquoise?

Hey Pat, I am sorry, but there is no natural purple turquoise. Turquoise is a hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminum, both of which cause the blue to green color. … The term "purple turquoise" has also been used as a synonym for the mineral Sugilite, but turquoise and sugilite are two totally different substances!

How can you tell if jewelry is native?

Mined from its granite host rock, the Sleeping Beauty mine yields only a small amount of high quality turquoise, making it much more rare and valuable than the larger quantity of lower-grade turquoise it also produces.

Is Tibetan turquoise real?

Tibetan Turquoise Gemstone. Tibetan Turquoise is a rare luxury that is mined in the Himalayas – ours specifically is from the area around Lhasa in the Himalayan area. … It tends to be blue-green in colour and is sought after for this fact as most Turquoise found elsewhere leans more towards the blues.

What is Kingman turquoise?

Kingman turquoise is light blue to dark blue in color, with a white matrix. Sourced from the Kingman Mine in Mojave County, Arizona. Kingman turquoise is treated by the Zachery-process and stabilized through traditional means. Occasionally, the matrix may be dyed black.

What does turquoise mean in Native American culture?

Turquoise, Water, Sky: The Stone and Its Meaning. … “Turquoise stands for water and for sky, for bountiful harvests, health and protection,” said Maxine McBrinn, Curator of Archaeology at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture. “Blue-green symbolizes creation and the hope for security and beauty.

Can turquoise Be Green?

Turquoise is colored by traces of copper, the same element responsible for the green-blue color of Paraiba tourmaline. Its greens can range from shades of bluish-green to apple-green or lime-green. Generally, if turquoise forms with less copper and more aluminum, the material tends to be green.

How do you wear turquoise jewelry?

The color turquoise is associated with meanings of refreshing, feminine, calming, sophisticated, energy, wisdom, serenity, wholeness, creativity, emotional balance, good luck, spiritual grounding, friendship, love, joy, tranquility, patience, intuition, and loyalty.

Is Turquoise a gemstone?

Turquoise. … Turquoise is an opaque, blue-to-green mineral that is a hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminium, with the chemical formula CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·4H2O. It is rare and valuable in finer grades and has been prized as a gemstone and ornamental stone for thousands of years owing to its unique hue.

How can you tell the difference between turquoise and howlite?

Turquoise color is difficult to define, most commonly it is said to be a color between blue and green. It is similar to cyan color and in general it depends on the particular shade, but turquoise color's wavelength is usually taken as 490∗10−9 m, so probably it is more close to blue.