
Is Katniss a Mary Sue?

Is Katniss a Mary Sue?

You might be able to find a definition for Katniss' character type, but she's not a Mary Sue. She is severely flawed and scarred mentally by her experiences in the games, almost to the point of mental breakdown on more than one occasion…so, no, she is no Mary Sue.

Is Hermione a Mary Sue?

Hermione is not a Mary-Sue. Not in the books nor even the films. For one thing, she's an already existing character. She's not perfect in either the books or the films, and she has her own specific role as being the “brainy” one.

What’s the male version of a Mary Sue?

Mary Sue (sometimes abbreviated "Sue")is a term used to describe characters who are typically considered to be wish-fulfillment characters of the author. The male equivalent is known as a Gary Stu, Marty Stu, or Larry Stu.

Why are Mary Sues called Mary Sues?

The term "Mary Sue" comes from the name of a character created by Paula Smith in 1973 for her parody story "A Trekkie's Tale" published in her fanzine Menagerie #2.

Is Harry Potter a Gary Stu?

Harry Potter isn't a typical Marty Stu/Gary Stu, but out of all male characters in HP series he does have a lot of 'perfect' characteristics and moments. Physical characteristics: … Some people might say Harry is plain and normal looking – he is not. He is supposed to be attractive.

What makes a Mary Sue character?

Mary Sue is a term used to describe a fictional character, usually female, who is seen as too perfect and almost boring for lack of flaws, originally written as an idealized version of an author in fanfiction.

Is your protagonist a Mary Sue?

Is Your Protagonist A Mary Sue? … Not just your story, but you can identify any character if its a Mary Sue or not. Not: Mary Sue is female while on the other hand, male characters with all perfection are called Marty Stu or Gary Stu.

What is a Marty Stu?

marty-stu. Noun. (plural Marty Stus) (fandom slang) A male Mary Sue.

What defines a Mary Sue?

Mary Sue is a term used to describe a fictional character, usually female, who is seen as too perfect and almost boring for lack of flaws, originally written as an idealized version of an author in fanfiction.

What is the Mary Sue website?

The Mary Sue is an online entertainment site covering various pop culture from video games, TV, movies and comic books… with a feminist point of view.