
Is barbecuing safe?

Is barbecuing safe?

Everyone loves a good barbecue, but research has shown that grilling meats at high heat can cause the carcinogens heterocyclic amine (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to form. And it's not an insignificant amount. … how to make grilling safer and follow our 6 tips to making safe grilled fare.

Can you get food poisoning from BBQ?

The risk of suffering a bout of food poisoning from a barbecue comes as a result of two main problems – undercooked meat and the transfer of germs from raw meat to food that's ready to eat. Raw or undercooked meat can contain germs that cause food poisoning, such as salmonella, E. coli O157 and campylobacter.

Should you put water on a BBQ?

I strongly recommend against pouring or spraying water directly onto your BBQ while it shows any sign of heat. Always wait until it has completely cooled down, even if this is 48 hours down the line. Coals burn at very high temperatures, and dousing them with water can lead to cracks in your grill.