Is BA a bad grade?

Is BA a bad grade?

B – is still a pretty good grade! This is an above-average score, between 80% and 89% … D – this is still a passing grade, and it's between 59% and 69% F – this is a failing grade.

Is 73 a good grade?

A percent grade of 73 is equivalent to a letter grade of a C. … The corresponding grade point average for a letter grade of a C is a 2.0. Similarly, in order to earn a grade point average of 2.3, which is equivalent to a C+, a student must achieve a percent grade of 77 to 79.

How do you make excuses for bad grades?

A bad grade is something that no student or parent is ever happy to see. … Whether it was a particularly tough exam or your child just didn't understand the material, getting over a bad grade on a test is an important part of doing better next time. After all, making mistakes is a part of the learning process!

How do I calm my parents down?

Arguing back or doing things like crying and yelling will only escalate the situation. Take a deep breath and try to respond calmly to any anger you receive. It can help to pause and take deep breaths during the conversation. If things get heated, ask your parents if you can take a break for a second to regroup.

How do I tell my mom I failed a class?

Tell them in person: Stick to the academics and tell them about the ADD only and have a plan ready to propose to them. Tell them that the ADD has caught up with you at the University level and it is no longer working to be unmedicated and unassisted. Tell them you tried your best but you need help.