How do you get in laws to respect you?

How do you get in laws to respect you?

Being a Good Spouse and Parent. Love and respect your spouse. The best route to winning over your in-laws is by being a good spouse. Your partner's parents may naturally admire you if they see that you are making their child happy.

What to do if you don’t like your in laws?

You can just make time for things like getting a massage, taking a long bath, or going on a hike. If you are staying with your in-laws for a few days, it's especially important to steal a little time away for yourself whenever possible. Even just some time at night with a good book can help.

How do you handle difficult in laws?

Your in-laws may be great people but actually living with them may not be such a good idea. Sure, you may be able to save money by living with them but you might end up having to pay a higher price in the long run.

How do I talk to my in laws?

Be polite yet warm around them. Don't be cold-shouldered and aloof around your in-laws and expect them to like you. Put your best foot forward and demonstrate a relaxed, inviting personality. Smile, greet them warmly, shake hands, and hug, if that's typical in your family.

What do you do when you can’t stand your husband’s family?

Sit down and have a long conversation with your husband. Explain to him why you don't like his family and what it is that they do that you don't like. Then have him discuss this in a non-confrontational manner with his family members that disturb you. Then, hopefully, there is a compromise.