Why is Viva La Vida called that?

Why is Viva La Vida called that?

The song’s Spanish title, “Viva la Vida”, is taken from a painting by 20th-century Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. In Spanish viva is an expression used to acclaim someone or something, so “Long Live Life” is an accurate translation and the painting reflects the artistic irony of acclaiming life while suffering physically.

What was the French Resistance called?

The French Resistance (French: La Résistance) was a collection of French movements that fought against the Nazi German occupation of France and the collaborationist Vichy régime during the Second World War.

How many German soldiers were killed by the French Resistance?

So, was the French Resistance effective? Perhaps, in some places at some times, but its value was often grossly exaggerated. The Resistance, for example, claimed it had killed 6,000 members of the vicious Das Reich Division.

What happened to French collaborators after WWII?

However, only 791 collaborators were actually executed; more were subjected to the National Degradation punishment, which included the loss of their political, civil, and professional rights. The convicted became second-class citizens, and a total of 49,723 people were punished this way.

What guns did the French Resistance use?


  • Berthier Mle 1907/15 M16 rifle.
  • Lebel and Berthier rifles.
  • Fusil MAS36.
  • Fusil MAS36 CR39.
  • MAS-36.
  • M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle.
  • Meunier rifle.

How did the French Resistance help on D Day?

Resistance groups were active throughout German-occupied France and made important contributions to the Allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944. Members of the Resistance provided the Allies with intelligence on German defences and carried out acts of sabotage to disrupt the German war effort.

Who led the French Resistance in ww2?

Charles de Gaulle

How many French collaborators were executed?

At the close of the war, France punished many Nazi collaborators: 9,000 were summarily executed during the liberation campaign, 1,500 were executed after a trial, and 40,000 were sentenced to prison.

What happened to Jean Moulin?

Shortly after setting up the National Council of the Resistance in May 1943, Moulin was betrayed and on 21 June he was captured. He was interrogated by the Gestapo in Lyon and Paris and died, as a result of torture, on 8 July 1943 on a train taking him to Germany.

Who betrayed Jean Moulin?

Nikolaus “Klaus” Barbie

Who were the leaders of the French Resistance?

He published underground newspapers such as Les Petities Ailes and Vérités, before forming Combat in November, 1941. During this period, three important resistance leaders, Jean Moulin, Jean-Pierre Lévy and Emmanuel d’Astier, emerged in France.

What did Jean Moulin do?

Jean Pierre Moulin (French: [ʒɑ̃ mu.lɛ̃]; 20 June 1899 – 8 July 1943) was a French civil servant who served as the first President of the National Council of the Resistance during World War II from 23 May 1943 until his death less than two months later. His death was registered at Metz railway station.