Why is the jet handled switchblade important?

Why is the jet handled switchblade important?

Symbol 1 Quote:”Two-Bit reached into his back pocket for his prize possession. It was a jet-handled switchblade, ten inches long, that would flasdh open at a mere breath. Symbol 2 Explanation: They’re important because they show how rich someone is.

How did two-bit get his switchblade?

Two-Bit obtains the switchblade by shoplifting it from a hardware store. In an effort to avoid suspicion, Two-Bit spends a couple of hours walking around the store before taking the knife. Clearly proud of his possession, Two-Bit keeps the blade sharp. However, Ponyboy notes that Two-Bit never uses it during a fight.

What does the Switchblade symbolize in the outsiders?

Two-Bit’s switchblade is his most prized possession and, in several ways, represents the disregard for authority for which greasers traditionally pride themselves. First of all, the blade is stolen. Second, it represents a sense of the individual power that comes with the potential to commit violence.

Why did Cherry not visit Johnny in the hospital?

While he is in the hospital, Cherry meets with Ponyboy to give him information about the upcoming rumble and Cherry tells Ponyboy that she can not visit Johnny because he is the person who killed Bob.

What was Johnny’s message in the note to ponyboy?

Johnny’s main message to Ponyboy is one of hope. He reminds Ponyboy of a Robert Frost poem in which the author says, “Nature’s first green is gold.” Johnny doesn’t mind that he gave his life to save the children from the burning church, because children still see the world with hope.

Did ponyboy ask for Darry when he was in the hospital?

Ponyboy hopes that he asked for Darry as well as the others when he was sick, because he knows if he didn’t, Darry would have been very sad. Ponyboy has come to realize that Darry loves him very much, and Ponyboy doesn’t want to hurt him (Chapter 10).

What is wrong with ponyboy after the rumble?

Ponyboy feels vaguely disoriented. At home, he finds the greasers gathered in the living room and tells them that Johnny is dead and that Dally has broken down. Ponyboy learns that he got a concussion when a Soc kicked him in the head during the rumble, and that he has been delirious in bed for three days.

Why does Dally want the Switchblade?

The answer to this is that Dally (Dallas Winston) asks to borrow Two-bit’s switchblade. As it turns out, Dally needs it because of the rumble with the Socs that night. He doesn’t really need it for the fight itself, but he does use it to “persuade” the nurses to let him out of the hospital.