Users questions

Why is the heart of gold so special?

Why is the heart of gold so special?

The unique thing about the Heart of Gold is that it is powered by the Infinite Improbability Drive, a small golden box at the heart of the ship — hence its name. This is, of course, powered by an infinite improbability generator.

How fast is the heart of gold?

For the time being, we’ll have to settle for Saturn V, which can achieve a top speed of 64,500 km per hour. The real winner, with its Infinite Improbability Drive, is the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy’s Heart Of Gold, which seems fitting: An absurd, delightful answer to an absurd, delightful exercise.

Why does Zaphod have two heads?

For the 2005 movie, it’s hinted that Zaphod “created” the second head himself when shutting off the parts of his mind that contain portions of his personality that “are not presidential,” but he wanted to keep these traits, so he hid his second head under his neck and wears a large collar or scarf to keep it hidden.

Do Trillian and Arthur fall in love?

Relationships. In the novels and radio series, Trillian does not have a romantic relationship with Arthur (although when Arthur starts seeing Fenchurch, Ford Prefect asks him what happened to Trillian). The main emotional arc of the movie is a love triangle between Trillian, Zaphod, and Arthur.

What does a Vogon look like?

Vogons are vaguely humanoid, though they are bulkier than humans and have an odd, pear-shaped build and green skin (grey skin in the film). One of their most distinguishing features is their “highly domed nose” which rises high above their “piggy” foreheads.

Is the infinite improbability drive possible?

The physicists encountered repeated failures while trying to construct a machine which could generate the infinite improbability field needed to flip a spaceship across the mind-paralyzing distances between the farthest stars. They eventually announced that such a machine was virtually impossible.

What is Bambleweeny?

The Bambleweeny 57 Submeson Brain is part of the Finite Improbability Generator, along with an atomic vector plotter and a strong Brownian Motion producer, which is usually a really fresh, hot cup of tea.

What does Ford start turning into?

The Vogon ship captain has Ford and Arthur ejected into space, but the Heart of Gold, which has an Infinite Improbability Drive, picks them up 29 seconds later. The drive makes it possible to traverse interstellar space almost instantly but also causes Ford to (briefly) turn into a penguin.

How was the infinite improbability drive created?

The Infinite Improbability Drive was invented following research into finite improbability which was often used to break the ice at parties by making all the molecules in the hostess’ undergarments leap one foot simultaneously to the left in accordance with the theory of indeterminacy.