Users questions

Why has my fish lost an eye?

Why has my fish lost an eye?

Causes include systemic infection, poor water quality, supersaturation (gas bubble disease) and trauma. Fish have an amazing ability to heal, and as long as there are no underlying disease problems, they will frequently recover from a lost eye.

Can fish eyes grow back?

Examining regeneration through a fish’s eye That’s not the case for fish, which can regenerate their optic nerve in as little as 12 days and regain their eyesight 80 days after an injury.

Can fish live without an eye?

A fish in the wild could never survive without eyes because it couldn’t see predators approaching or find food. In a tank, however, they can live without being able to see. If you haven’t kept fish before, you’ll need to know about cycling the tank.

Why did my goldfish lost its eyes?

Goldfish Popeye DiseaseGoldfish popeye is a generic term used for an internal bacterial infection that causes fluid to build up behind the eye of a sick goldfish, making the eye bulge or “pop out”. Goldfish popeye is often the result of goldfish dropsy, an internal bacterial infection or goldfish tuberculosis.

Do Popeye fish recover?

Signs of Popeye Disease in Aquarium Fish In severe instances, it’s possible for infected eyes to rupture without treatment. If this happens, the fish may eventually recover but will be blind in the affected eye.

What happens if you freeze a live fish?

It stands to reason that the extreme cold would damage the fish’s tissue, effectively killing it. Like all cells, fish cells contain saline, or salt water.

Is it humane to flush a dying fish?

Decapitation. While too grisly for most aquarists, stunning a fish, decapitating it and then pithing it (physically destroying the brain with a metal rod) is a humane way to euthanize a fish. Because fish can remain conscious for some time after decapitation, the pithing step is essential.

Should you kill fish before cleaning?

A quick death is always better than cleaning it out alive. Catfish, now, I’ve cleaned a few of them in a slightly-alive condition simply because I couldn’t kill them.

Can you surrender fish to PetSmart?

The following locations do not accept unwanted pet fish: PetSmart (you can however return your fish if you act quickly)