Why does peeing yourself feel so good?

Why does peeing yourself feel so good?

Sex therapist, Janet Brito, PhD, further explained this sensation by pointing out that the urethra is “an erogenous zone” and a full bladder against a sensitive structure can cause a pleasurable sensation.

Is it bad for a man to urinate sitting down?

“Sitting down is a better option for men with prostate conditions or men who just can’t stand up for a long time,” said Dr. Mills. “A lot of guys sit to pee if they can’t fully evacuate their bladder. The muscles engaged to hold in loud and embarrassing farts are also muscles involved in preventing further urination

Is it better for a man to sit or stand when urinating?

We conclude that the sitting posture is the best position for men with urination problems, e.g. due to an enlarged prostate to urinate in, whereas no difference was found in healthy men. This is clinically important, because residual urine may result in complications such as cystitis and bladder stones

Can urine kill bacteria?

This statement “Urine has also been historically used as an antiseptic. In times of war, when other antiseptics were unavailable, urine, the darker the better, was utilized on open wounds to kill bacteria.”

Does vinegar help jellyfish stings?

Vinegar is used to stop the venom in stingers. Caution: Do not use ammonia, urine, rubbing alcohol, fresh water or ice. They all can trigger the release of more venom. If you don’t have vinegar, move on to scraping off the stingers

What should I do if I get stung by a jellyfish?

What If You Get Stung By a Jellyfish?

  1. Rinse the area with vinegar. (Not cool fresh water or seawater, which could make it worse.)
  2. Avoid rubbing the area, which also can make things worse.
  3. Use tweezers to pull off any tentacles still on your skin.
  4. Do not put ice or ice packs on a sting.
  5. Check with your doctor.

What happens if you get stung by a box jellyfish?

In some cases, box jellyfish venom causes Irukandji syndrome, in which an overload of stress hormones and inflammation proteins produces pain and nausea for days, as well as high blood pressure that can lead to brain hemorrhage and death. Most sting casualties, however, die within minutes from cardiac arrest