Why does my teenager have gray hairs?

Why does my teenager have gray hairs?

Why do Some Teenagers Have Gray Hair? Two main factors contribute to a teenager’s hair turning gray, illness or genetics, with the latter being the most likely cause. When youngsters start to produce gray hair it is known as “premature graying” or “canities”.

Why do I have GREY hair at 15?

If your hair turns grey at a young age, it is called premature greying and needs medical attention. Some lifestyle causes of premature greying are smoking, faulty diet, stress and unhealthy hair care methods. Other grey hair reasons are Vitamin B12 deficiency, hormonal imbalance and early menopause.

Is gray hair normal at 14?

People can get gray hair at any age. Some people go gray at a young age — as early as when they are in high school or college — whereas others may be in their 30s or 40s before they see that first gray hair. How early we get gray hair is determined by our genes.

Why do I have GREY hairs at 16?

Genetics: It’s all in genetics, say doctors. According to studies, premature greying happens due to genetics. Talk to your parents or even grandparents on when they first spotted their grey hair. Stress: Stress is one of the main culprits that plays a crucial role in greying hair at a faster pace.

Why am I Greying so fast?

Scientists don’t know exactly why some people go gray early, but genes play a large role. Also, a vitamin B-12 deficiency or problems with your pituitary or thyroid gland can cause premature graying that’s reversible if the problem is corrected, Benabio says.

Is GREY hair normal at 17?

Gray hairs before the age of 30 are normal. “It’s not unusual to have a few gray hairs even if you’re 18 or 20,” says Cotsarelis, noting that a gray hair occurs when the follicle stops producing melanin, the pigment that gives hair its color.

Is there anything that can reverse GREY hair?

Can White Hair Turn Black Again? Genetic or age related greying of hair cannot be reversed. However, greying related to diet, pollution, bleaching and stress can be slowed down with a balanced diet and a good hair care regimen. Know your hair to figure out hair care that suits your hair.