Users questions

Why do you want to work at Champs?

Why do you want to work at Champs?

3) Why do you want to work for Champs? Say you feel it is a good fit for you as you have a real passion for sports, and you will enjoy helping others learn more about sports products they need. Mention you like the products and the service you get at Champs and because of this, you would be proud to represent them.

What is the best advice for answering interview questions?

Speak clearly and vary your tone to show you’re interested and enthusiastic. Take time to think about each question before answering so you can give a good response. Listen to questions carefully and let the interviewer lead the conversation. If you don’t understand a question, ask for it to be explained or repeated.

What should I wear to a Champs Sports interview?

Interview tips at Champs Sports

  • Business casual (e.g. dress slacks)42%
  • Casual (t-shirt and jeans)38%
  • They didn’t have a dress code13%
  • Special outfit (e.g. protective gear)4%
  • Formal (business suit)3%

How much do Champs sales associates make?

The typical Champs Sports Sales Associate salary is $9. Sales Associate salaries at Champs Sports can range from $7 – $18. This estimate is based upon 145 Champs Sports Sales Associate salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods.

Does Footlocker pay on commission?

Associates do make commission but it is rarely ever more than the hourly pay. They start you off with a pay rate of $10.

What is the lowest salary you can live on?

GoBankingRates determined the “living wage” necessary to live comfortably in each US state late last year. Some states, like New York, require $95,724 to live comfortably, but in other states, it can be as low as $58,321.

How much a month is $14 an hour?

If you look at an average month as 4 weeks, then you can estimate the average monthly earnings from 14 dollars per hour to be $2,240 per month. For example, if you calculate the yearly total to be $29,232 per year, then your monthly average would be $2,436 per month.

How do you know if you make 3 times the rent?

Working backwards to illustrate this:

  1. If the monthly rent of an apartment is $2,000, then 3 times the monthly rent is $2000 x 3 = $6000 (monthly income required to keep housing payments less than 1/3 of income)
  2. $6000 x 12 months = $72,000 (annual income required to keep housing payments under 1/3 of income)