Why did they kill off Charlie in Lost?

Why did they kill off Charlie in Lost?

815, which he did become. The reason Charlie chose to die was because that was the way Desmond said it was meant to happen. So the answer is, Charlie simply chose to die. He chose to just lock that door so as not to risk Desmond’s safety, and to accept his ultimate destiny in order to get Claire and Aaron saved.

What was the name of Charlie band in Lost?

Charlie Pace

What happens to Charlie’s ring in Lost?

Before leaving for his mission to The Looking Glass, he left the ring in Aaron’s crib, who was the closest thing to a son he ever had. However, Aaron never returned to his crib before leaving the island as one of the Oceanic 6.

Will Charlie die in Lost?

Charlie is introduced as one of the main characters in the pilot episode. In the season three finale “Through the Looking Glass”, Charlie drowns at the hands of Mikhail Bakunin (Andrew Divoff), sacrificing himself in an effort to save the other survivors.

Does Sun cheat on Jin?

JIN!!! Finally we found out in the previous episode of LOST that the father of Sun’s baby is Jin, NOT the man she had an affair with. After realizing that all the women on the island who are pregnant die, Sun demands Juliet to answer her questions. Sun also found out that she really only has two months to live.

Is Ben good or bad in Lost?

Ben is more of a sociopath. He isn’t evil per say, but he does do a lot of bad stuff however he does learn from his mistakes at the end. He also has a moral compass and won’t kill a mother because his life sucked since his mother died giving birth to him and he doesn’t want that to happen to any other child.

How does Ana Lucia die on Lost?

The producers of Lost stated that Rodriguez was only interested in appearing for one season, so Ana Lucia’s death was written in from the beginning. She is shot and killed by Michael Dawson.

Why does Mr Eko cut his beard?

Why did Mr. Eko cut off his beard? Eko knows that the Others wear fake beards. In cutting off his beard and offering it to Henry Gale to wear as a disguise, he was in effect saying, “I’m on to you.

How does Sayid die in Lost?

After this, Sayid lived in the Man in Black’s group in an almost blank-like state. After speaking with Desmond, he broke out of this state and was later redeemed when he sacrificed himself aboard Widmore’s submarine, exploding while carrying the Man in Black’s bomb.

Is Juliet a bad guy in Lost?

Staying power: Juliet wasn’t quite up to the task of being another Ben-style villain edging toward heroine– she always seemed pretty much like a good guy– but just by making us believe she might be up to no good, she made for a pretty great threat, and succeeded in dividing the 815ers when Jack believed in her and no …

Do Shannon and Sayid get together?

Despite their cultural and social differences, Sayid and Shannon eventually got back together and that culminated in a romantic night Sayid had planned out for her. When Sayid saw the vision himself however, he told her he believed her and they told each other that they loved each other.

Does Kate like Jack or Sawyer?

2 JACK: SHE ALWAYS LOVED HIM Sawyer was a very obvious partner for Kate, and perhaps she’d fallen in love with men of his ilk before but Jack ennobled her, and we saw that she liked who she was around him. Also, Sawyer encouraged some of the very behavior that got her into custody on Flight 815 in the first place.

Does Kate sleep with Sawyer?

Since Then: Ben shared breakfast with Kate, mocking her affections for Sawyer. He monitored her in the cages over the next few day, and watched her and Sawyer have sex.