Why did Demi Lovato write sorry not sorry?

Why did Demi Lovato write sorry not sorry?

“Sorry Not Sorry” was written by Demi Lovato for herself rather than being directed at an ex. She explained to NPR’s Alisa Chang: “I was thinking about the bullies that bullied me in school, and how well I’m doing in my life today, and how I don’t give a flying f–k about it.

What was the pilot not sorry about?

After landing, the narrator was not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota because he had a horrific and scary experience flying that plane. He was happy that he had landed the plane safely. That is why he was not sorry to walk away. Instead, he wanted to know where he was and who the other pilot was.

Why didn’t the pilot return to Paris when he saw the storm clouds?

Answer: Paris was 150 kilometres behind him when he saw the storm clouds. The thinking of Narrator while he thinks about Paris Control was that he has not sufficient fuel to go back to Paris because he came 100 km far it. On the other hand his mind says that he wanted to do a good English Breakfast with his family.

Why didn’t the pilot turned the Aeroplane back towards Paris?

why did not the pilot turn the aeroplane back towards Paris O A he wanted to meet his family. O B he wanted to go on a holiday. Che did not want to miss the breakfast. O D he did not like Paris​

Why didn’t the pilot turn the Aeroplane back to what Paris?

Ans. The pilot came across huge storm clouds that seemed to him like black mountains. He could neither go above them nor go around them due to lack of fuel. That was when he thought of returning to Paris.

What risk did the pilot take 1 point?

The Pilot in the chapter black airplane was going from France(paris) to England. On his way,he was encountered black stormy clouds. He took the risk to fly inside the clouds into the storm. He took the risk because he was eager to meet his family.

What did the pilot decide?

Answer. Answer: the pilot decided to fly through the clouds becuase he was lost as his compass was not working he was anxoius to get out of the storm alive. hence he saw another aeroplane flying through the stormy clouds.

Why did the author fly straight into the black storm clouds?

His decision of flying straight into the storm clouds was motivated by his having an early English breakfast with his family. It was rather a bold but risky decision. He would have been in deep trouble, had the pilot of the strange black aeroplane not helped him to safety.

Which country was the pilot flying over?


Why did the pilot fly straight into the storm?

Why did the pilot fly straight into the storm instead of returning to Paris? Answer: The pilot had a strong desire to get back home and have breakfast with his family. That is why, pilot took the risk and flew straight into the storm instead of going back to Paris.

Why could he not fly over on either side of storm clouds?

b) He could not fly over on either side of storm clouds because he had limited fuel, just to reach England by a straight route.

What did the pilot notice when he was safe at the airport?

the other plane was still in the sky. the sky was empty.

What food did the seagull’s mother get for it?

The young seagulls were afraid of flying over sea, the young seagull’s mother tore a fish piece at her feet and compelled to fly over the sea to get the food.

Why is Mrs Pumphrey worried about Tricki?

Mrs Pumphrey is worried about Tricki because he is unwell. He has refused to eat food and had bouts of vomiting. She feels that he is suffering from a serious health issue such as malnutrition.

How can you say Mrs Pumphrey was a rich lady?

Mrs. Pumphrey was a rich lady as she used to spend a lot of money on buying expensive foods for her dog Tricki. She made Tricki eat so much that he fell ill and had to see the doctor. She also provided all the luxury to the dog and didn’t ever asked it do any work.

What did Mrs Pumphrey bring at first?

Answer. Answer: Mrs Pumphrey gave her malt, cod-liver oil and bowl of Horlicks. Still, Tricki had no energy.

Why did Mrs Pumphrey say this is a triumph of surgery?

Answer: Mrs Pumphrey thought that the dog’s recovery was “a triumph of surgery” because in two weeks, Tricki had recovered completely and had been transformed into a hard-muscled animal. She declared Tricki’s recovery as a triumph of surgery to express her happiness and gratitude towards the doctor.

What did Mr Pumphrey think the dog was suffering from?

Mrs Pumphrey thought her dog was suffering from Malnutrition. In reality, however, Tricki had become obese and his digestive system was ruptured.

Why was Tricki happy in the doctor’s house?

Tricki was happy in the doctor’s surgery as it got to play around and exrcise with the other dogs. Once the amount of food it ate was controlled and monitored, it became energetic instead of being oevrweight and lethargic.

Is the narrator as rich as tricky mysteries?

Is the narrator as rich as Tricki’s mistress? Answer: No, the narrator is not as rich as Tricki’s mistress, Mrs Pumphery. We can say so because the narrator seems fascinated by how lavishly Mrs Pumphrey spends on the well-being and maintenance of her pet.