Users questions

Why did Clytemnestra kill Cassandra?

Why did Clytemnestra kill Cassandra?

Probably because Cassandra had been taken as a concubine by her husband, King Agamemnon of Mycenae. In his absence, Clytemnestra began a love affair with her husband’s rival, Aegisthus, and they slew Cassandra and her children with Agamemnon to seize the throne. Cassandra was probably buried in Mycenae.

Who killed Aegisthus?

Electra and Orestes

Why did Achilles cry for Hector?

It was sort of a “bastardization” of Achilles’ character, as he grieved for his own father and the fact he knew he’d never see him again as he was destined to die in Troy, as well as his good friend Patroclus. I believe in the movie it was used to show his admiration of Hector as a worthy opponent.

What side was Ajax on in the Trojan War?

Ajax the Greater was one of the suitors of Helen, for which reason he was obliged by the Oath of Tyndareus to join the Greek forces in the Trojan War. Ajax contributed 12 ships from Salamis to the Achaean war effort.

Was Achilles better than Hector?

From Cicero’s framework, Hector was clearly the better man than Achilles. His actions in the Iliad are largely driven by what Cicero would see as morally good. He fights to keep his community intact, even if on the battlefield he, like all fighting men that Homer depicts, was not above brutality.

What side was Diomedes on?

Diomedes, in Greek legend, the son of Tydeus, the Aetolian hero who was one of the Seven Against Thebes. Diomedes was the commander of 80 Argive ships and one of the most respected leaders in the Trojan War.

Who did Hera punish?


Who gave Diomedes magic vision?

I believe that Athena granted him divine vision. Explanation: “Diomedes received the most direct divine help and protection.

What three feats did Bellerophon?

He was “the greatest hero and slayer of monsters, alongside Cadmus and Perseus, before the days of Heracles”, and his greatest feat was killing the Chimera, a monster that Homer depicted with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tail: “her breath came out in terrible blasts of burning flame.” He is also known …