Users questions

Why are my bettas scales falling off?

Why are my bettas scales falling off?

Betta Fish Dropsy Symptoms Dropsy will alter the appearance of your Betta. You may notice that your Betta’s scales are poking out unnaturally, kind of in a pinecone pattern. The gills on your Betta will lose their color and become pale. Spine curvature is also common due to the bloating unnaturally shaping the body.

Do Bettas lose scales?

Yes, I have had my betta lose scales, but he’s no longer with me. It took a couple days for them to heal completely. Just make sure he can’t get hurt on anything in the tank. Keep the water around 78-80F and he’ll be just fine with clean water.

How do you harden a betta scale?

CATECHU BARK Like Indian Almond bark, Catechu bark is high in natural tannins which accounts for its astringent effect and has been proved to harden the scales of bettas as well has sharpening their teeth.

Can I use table salt in my betta tank?

No! You should never substitute regular table salt or Epsom salts for aquarium salt. Both those kinds of salt contain coloring, flavor enhancers, and other additives that could harm or even kill your betta buddy. Using table salt can affect the water quality in the tank, as well as changing the pH level.

Does Epsom salt help betta fish?

If used correctly in fish that have swim bladder disorder (SBD), epsom can help them swim better and even be able to sink. In Epsom, the betta should stay in for 10-15 minutes, with 10 being less severe need and 15 being a more severe need.

How often should you put salt in your aquarium?

Yes, add 1 rounded tablespoon of API AQUARIUM SALT for every 5 gallons or ½ rounded tablespoon for every gallon of water. When doing a water change, add any treatments and supplements to the new water before adding salt to your aquarium.

Does magnesium raise pH?

The amount needed to change the pH value varies by compound. For example, magnesium carbonate, pound for pound, raises pH 1.7 times as much as calcium carbonate. Plants are tolerant of a fairly wide range of Ca, Mg, and K in the soil, if sufficient levels of each are present.