Users questions

Why are mechanics paid flat rate?

Why are mechanics paid flat rate?

Advantages for the car shop paying mechanics flat-rate fees are that the shop can estimate its income by using averages and that the shop does not have to pay relatively slow mechanics more. This structure also motivates mechanics to work more quickly.

How do you explain flat rate price?

Flat rate pricing is a subscription model that offers users a single price per month or year for all features and all levels of access. For example, if you subscribe to the New York Times, you pay a flat price per month or year.

Is flat rate pay legal?

Under California law, however, the answer is no. A relatively recent California appellate court case held that employers must pay at least minimum wage for every hour worked.

Is day rate pay legal?

A day rate pay scheme is not illegal under wage and overtime laws in California, but it does not relieve an employer from its obligation to pay properly calculated overtime to non-exempt employees.

How many hours is considered a day rate?

8 hours

Is anything over 8 hours a day overtime?

Under California law, nonexempt employees must be paid daily overtime as follows: One and one-half times the employee’s regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 8 hours, up to and including 12 hours in any workday, and for the first 8 hours worked on the seventh consecutive day of work in a workweek.

Does a nanny clean the house?

A nanny is most commonly going to care for everything related to your child. This will commonly include cooking their meals and cleaning up after the child’s messes. But it is NOT common for a nanny to take care of other assorted chores and housework.

What is the most challenging thing about being a nanny?

Communication – Communicating with your employer can be one of the biggest challenges in any nanny job, especially when it’s to discuss problems you’re having on the job. You might be worried that your complaints will lead to being fired, or that they simply won’t care.