Users questions

Who was the original members of DX?

Who was the original members of DX?

Shawn Michaels

Who joined the nWo in order?

nWo Elite

  • Hollywood Hogan (leader and founding member)
  • Kevin Nash (founding member)
  • Scott Hall (founding member)
  • Eric Bischoff (founding member, left the group in March 1999)
  • Buff Bagwell (founding member, expelled in March 1999)
  • Scott Steiner (founding member)
  • Lex Luger (founding member, left the group in April 1999)

Who are the members of nWo?

New World Order (professional wrestling)

New World Order
Members “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan (leader and co-founder) Scott Hall (co-founder) Kevin Nash (co-founder) See full list
Name(s) New World Order nWo nWo Hollywood nWo Black&White nWo Wolfpac nWo Elite nWo 2000 nWo Japan The Wolfpac The Band (unofficial)
Debut July 7, 1996

Did the NWO destroy WCW?

Hell, the nWo was every major story in WCW. And it led to the biggest profits in company history, and an 83-week run as the top wrestling company on the planet. It was also the beginning of the end of WCW.

When did the giant joins NWO?

September 1996

When did WCW start to decline?


Why did WCW go out of business?

Making a very long story short, they were a victim of the Time Warner-AOL Merger in 2000. Executive Jamie Kellner decided they wanted the new TW/AOL to be more upscale in its television properties (TNT and TBS) and so wrestling had to go. Without a TV deal, WCW was effectively dead.

Is WCW real?

It isn’t real, it is fake.” Well, no crap, dummy. We understand that wrestling is fake, but what does that have to do with us continuing to enjoy what we are watching? It is World Wrestling Entertainment, and that’s what we watch it for.

Was Bret Hart a draw?

Bret Hart in my opinion is one of the best technical performers in his generation – not the biggest star. His drawing power in the WWE was well documented by anyone who wants to do the research in an objective way. He was not a main-event draw in WWE.

Who is the biggest draw in WWE history?

The biggest draws in WWE history?

  • Steve Austin.
  • Hulk Hogan.
  • The Rock.
  • Ric Flair.
  • Andre The Giant.
  • John Cena.
  • Brock Lesnar.
  • Undertaker.