Users questions

Who sang the song Good Love?

Who sang the song Good Love?


Should you listen to your heart or mind?

In the same way, when faced with a decision or conflict, your mind may come up with numerous, different and quite logical reasons why you should act as it advises, but if you listen to and trust your heart—however illogical or irrational it may seem—it is usually right and you are happier as a result.

How can you tell what your heart says about you?

5 Simple Ways to Listen to your Heart

  1. Don’t say yes, when your heart says no. Your heart knows long before you take time to consider what you’ll say.
  2. Create space. If your surroundings are cluttered and hectic, consider a clean sweep.
  3. Make time. Schedule white space on your calendar.
  4. Put your hand on your heart.
  5. Find your way back to love.

How do you listen to an open heart?

While it sounds easy, being fully present and listening takes practice….Listen with an Open Heart

  1. Begin by taking a few deep breaths and centering yourself in your heart energy.
  2. Listen with love.
  3. Give the other person your full attention.
  4. Focus on listening.
  5. Ask clarifying questions.

What is the difference between your heart and your mind?

The main difference between heart and mind is that the heart, figuratively, is believed to be related with the emotional sentiments while the mind is believed to be related mostly with rational thinking. Heart and mind are often talked subject matters among us.

Can you listen to your own heart with a stethoscope?

Every time the valves in your heart open and close to let blood flow through, it makes a ‘dub-dub’ sound. If you’ve ever wondered what your heart sounds like you can listen to your own heartbeat with a stethoscope made from rubber tubing, 2 funnels and a balloon.

What does a bad heart sound like?

Heart murmurs are sounds — such as whooshing or swishing — made by turbulent blood in or near your heart. Your doctor can hear these sounds with a stethoscope. A normal heartbeat makes two sounds like “lubb-dupp” (sometimes described as “lub-DUP”) when your heart valves are closing.


Who sang the song Good Love?

Who sang the song Good Love?

The Rascals
Good Lovin’/Виконавці

Who originally did the song Good Lovin?

The song was first recorded by Lemme B. Good (actually Canton, Ohio, R&B singer Limmie Snell) in March 1965 and written by Rudy Clark. The following month it was recorded with different lyrics by R&B artists The Olympics, produced by Jerry Ragovoy; this version reached #81 on the Billboard Pop Singles chart.

What year did Good Lovin by the rascals come out?

Good Lovin’/Дата випуску

What movie is the song Good Lovin in?

Велике розчарування
Good Lovin’/Фільм

Who wrote the song You Give Good Love?

You Give Good Love/Композитори

Who is sly Carter?

Blake Anthony Carter (born August 21, 1984), known professionally as Shy Carter, is an American songwriter, record producer, rapper and singer. He has written for Meghan Trainor, Jason Derulo, Charlie Puth, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, Keith Urban, Kane Brown and Billy Currington.

Does Good Lovin dog chews have rawhide?

Good Lovin’ No Rawhide Chicken Flavored Dog Bones.

What does good loving mean?

I wish you lots of good loving: I hope you have lots of love in your life.

Who wrote the Rascals songs?

Felix Cavaliere
Felix Cavaliere shared both lead vocal and songwriting duties for the 1960’s hit makers The Rascals with partner Eddie Brigati.

Who wrote good lovin gone bad?

Mick Ralphs
Good Lovin’ Gone Bad/Поети

What is the meaning of good love?

The best definition of love is having a deep bond based in commitment, respect, trust, and acceptance. Love means being dedicated to someone else’s well-being, holding their desires and dreams in high esteem, accepting them for who they are without judgment, and trusting them to do the same for you.

What is the good love?

A willingness to prioritize another’s well-being or happiness above your own. Extreme feelings of attachment, affection, and need. Dramatic, sudden feelings of attraction and respect. A fleeting emotion of care, affection, and like.

Who sings when God whispered your name?

Keith Urban
God Whispered Your Name/Виконавці

Who sings Heaven Kane Brown?

Kane Brown

What are the best dog chews?

Here are the best dog chews for your pup to enjoy.

  • Best Overall: SmartBones SmartSticks.
  • Best Splurge: The Honest Company Beams Ocean Chews Grain Free Dog Chew Treats.
  • Best for Teeth: Greenies Original Regular Natural Dental Dog Treats.
  • Best Long-Lasting: Jack & Pup 6-Inch Premium-Grade Odor-Free Bully Sticks.

Are dentley’s dog chews good?

5.0 out of 5 stars Dogs love them! My dogs love these! Good for teething puppies and strong chewers. No upset stomachs.

What nationality is Felix Cavaliere?

Фелікс Кавалір/Національність
Cavaliere was born to an Italian American family in 1942. At an early age, he studied piano at his mother’s behest from age 6 until her death when he was 14. He joined The Stereos, and moved on to form The Escorts, while attending college.

Who did good lovin gone bad?

Bad Company
“Good Lovin’ Gone Bad” was a 1974 Top 40, major trans-Atlantic hit for English rock band, Bad Company. This track was written by the band’s guitarist Mick Ralphs….Good Lovin’ Gone Bad.

“Good Lovin’ Gone Bad”
Released March 1975
Recorded September 1974
Genre Hard rock
Length 3:55