Who is John Hale Finch?

Who is John Hale Finch?

John Hale Finch is Atticus’s younger brother in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. John is referred to as Uncle Jack and is a well-educated, morally upright doctor. Uncle Jack lives in Nashville and visits his brother’s family during Christmas time.

Who is Dill’s father?

In Chapter 4 of To Kill a Mockingbird, Dill describes his father as taller than Atticus (Atticus was quite tall), with a pointed black beard (a mark of distinction or regality). He was also president of L&N Railroad. Dill even claimed to have helped him engineer a while. But Jem didn’t buy the story.

Why does Dill lie about his father?

Unlike Atticus, Dill’s father does not spend much quality time with him and is not heavily involved in his life. In order to boost his self-esteem, Dill tells outrageous lies to impress Jem and Scout and to compensate for his negative relationship with his father.

What did Boo Radley do at age 33 that landed him in jail?

What did Arthur (Boo) Radley do (at age 33) that landed him temporarily in the county jail? He stabbed his father in the leg with a pair of scissors.

What did Miss Maudie do to cement their friendship?

Scout and Miss Maudie “cement” their friendship with a display of Miss Maudie’s bridgework on her teeth, and Scout, Jem and Dill also enjoy the cakes she bakes, especially as she makes a particular effort on their behalf.

Why is Jem so obsessed with Boo Radley Why can’t he leave boo alone?

Despite being warned by Atticus to leave Boo Radley alone and to stop “tormenting” him, Jem and Dill just can’t let go of their curiosity and obsession with seeing Boo. Jem knows he has got to go back and get his pants, or it will be discovered that he went against Atticus’ orders to leave the Radleys alone.

Why are cards fatal in To Kill a Mockingbird?

medium. March 30, 2014. http://duthlekr.weebly.com/to-kill-a-mocking-bird.html) It means that cards are more dangerous then matches because matches can cause fires and burn down objects, but cards (gambling) can destroy your whole life.