Users questions

Who created wimpy?

Who created wimpy?

J. Lyons

Why are sloppy joes called Wimpies?

donna said: the Sloppy Joe dates back to 1930. It was invented by a cook named Joe in a Sioux City, Iowa cafĂ©., as a loose meat sandwich. I’m glad it got it’s inventor’s name because, “loose meat sandwich” does not sound appetizing at all.

Can one raisin kill a cat?

Grapes and raisins have often been used as treats for pets. But it’s not a good idea. Although it isn’t clear why, grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in cats. And, a small amount can make a cat ill.

How much garlic will kill a cat?

* Since garlic is more concentrated than an onion, an even smaller ingested amount could lead to toxicosis—as little as one clove of garlic can lead to toxicity in cats and small dogs.

What should I do if my cat ate garlic?

If the garlic was recently consumed, the vet will begin to induce vomiting by orally administering a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. This will remove all of the garlic from your cat’s stomach that has not been digested and prevent your cat’s condition from worsening.

How poisonous is garlic to cats?

Onions, garlic, chives, and leeks are in the Allium family, and are poisonous to both dogs and cats if the dose is right (if they eat a single large serving or repeatedly nibble on small amounts over time). Garlic is considered to be about five times as toxic as onions for cats and dogs.

What do I do if my dog eats garlic?

If your dog does ingest a large amount of garlic, your best bet is to take him to a veterinarian. Garlic and onion poisoning are rarely fatal in dogs, but your dog may need supportive care to keep him comfortable.

Will my dog die if he eats garlic?

Garlic (Allium) causes poisoning in dogs, even in small amounts. The consumption of garlic can cause gastrointestinal upset and anemia, and can even be fatal if not treated right away.

How much onion does it take to kill a dog?

It only takes 100 grams of onion (about the size of a medium onion) per 20 kilograms of a dog’s weight to cause toxic effects, which means that a 45-pound dog would only have to eat one medium-to-large-size onion to experience dangerous toxicity levels.