Users questions

Which side of insulation goes up?

Which side of insulation goes up?

(The general rule for insulation is that the facing always goes toward the conditioned space.) The second layer of insulation should be unfaced so that moisture doesn’t collect between the layers.

Does insulation have a vapor barrier?

Once insulation gets wet, it’s hard to dry it out. Not every type of insulation needs a vapor barrier. But if it does, the barrier should face inside in northern, heating climates, and outside in humid southern climates.

What is the paper on insulation for?

Vapor barriers—sheets of plastic or kraft paper—keep water vapor out of the wall cavity, so the insulation stays dry. Not every type of insulation needs a vapor barrier. But if it does, the barrier should face inside in northern, heating climates, and outside in humid southern climates.

What side of insulation does vapor barrier go?

Vapor barriers are sheets of plastic or other material placed on one side of insulation sheets. This barrier is meant to keep moisture from getting to the insulation in the walls and ceilings, and it is required by building codes when insulating most houses. In any case, the vapor barrier must point to the warm side.

Can you put plastic over unfaced insulation?

More than likely, installing an additional layer of poly over kraft facing won’t cause any problems — it’s no more risky than if the wall had only unfaced batts and poly — and the risk of using poly on the interior is relatively low in a cold climate like New York’s. How much foam you need depends on the climate.

Will Tyvek keep rain out?

Yes, Tyvek is made with unique material science to keep air and bulk water out while allowing moisture vapor inside walls to escape.

Do you put house wrap over insulation?

The answer, happily, is yes. In fact, the two products combined make your home super-insulated from outside wind and weather. If you choose to install house wrap with rigid foam, generally, it should go under the insulation, not around it.

Can you staple Tyvek?

Tyvek says you can use 4 staples per 9 feet of house wrap if you tape over them an apply the siding right away. But a cap stapler is better. Apply house wrap up the gables before installing exterior trim, even if the attic is not conditioned.

Can you side a house in the rain?

Siding contractors don’t usually work when it’s raining except when completing emergency repairs. Reliable contractors monitor the weather and would get in touch with you if the project can’t be completed due to weather.

How does rain get behind siding?

Rainwater leaking from a gutter ends up behind siding and causes a wall to rot. At some point in the past, an owner had vinyl siding installed over old siding. The extra thickness of the vinyl siding and its accompanying insulation made the outer edge of the siding extend out beyond the gutter cap.

Can you put vinyl siding over wet wood?

A homeowner may think that a wet wall underneath 15lb. siding felt and the vinyl home siding would create problems for the future, but it’s just not true. Water should not be able to penetrate the wall from the outside after the installation is finished. That will cause rot, and mold, and much bigger problems.

Can you install Hardie siding in the rain?

Hardie siding does a great job of wicking moisture when it is installed on the wall, but when it’s uncovered and flat on the ground it will absorb water. It’s no problem for a contractor to install James Hardie products in light rain.