Which planet is bad in 8th house?

Which planet is bad in 8th house?

planet Rahu

Is Moon in 8th house bad?

Moon in 8th house is not so bad when it is well placed, for example if it is exalted in the sign of Taurus (i.e. for Libra ascendant) or if the Moon is waxing in nature or if it is aspected by strong benefics like Jupiter. Emotional insecurity and inferiority complex are two marked traits of people with 8th house Moon.

Is Jupiter in 8th house bad?

Jupiter in 8th house in Birth Chart/ Kundli and Your Health Jupiter in 8th house brings health issues to native. Native may suffer from cholera, malaria, or tuberculosis in life. The native will also bear pain in bones and joints. Native may also suffer from piles or any kind of epidemic in life.

What if Moon is in 8th house?

The presence of Moon in 8th house will influence life’s longevity, the possibility of accident, death, the money and goods of others, the financial affairs of their partner, physical intimacy with their spouse and so on.

How do I know my longevity astrology?

Basic Rules of Longevity in Astrology: If you want to have a general understandings of longevity then look at the lord of the ascendant and 8th house. If both are in movable sign or one is in dual sign and other is in fix sign then long life is indicated.

What does Sun in the 8th house mean?

Sun in 8th House Meaning – Focus on Intimacy The eighth house is associated with a conglomeration of things ranging from death, taxes, sex, legacies, inheritances, transformation, regeneration, etc. It is said that the Sun in the 8th house adds depth to a person’s character.

How can we make our moon strong?

Remedies for a weak Moon:

  1. Never take a silver gift or accept silver as donation.
  2. Donate Silver – if you can’t afford, then even donating a small thread of silver is enough – do this once/twice a year.
  3. Donate milk and don’t drink milk on Monday.

How do you know if the moon is strong?

If the Moon is in the ascendant or if the Moon is in its birth sign or if the Moon is strong in the ascendant, then such a native is usually plump and has beautiful eyes. Strong moon in a chart gives pleasing personality with a strong mind.

How do you know if the moon is weak or strong?

The Moon is considered weakest at the New Moon (5 days around a New Moon). In between the Full Moon and the New Moon, the Moon is considered bright – which is good (especially if the Moon is waxing at the time), but not as powerful as the Full Moon. If the Moon represents the mind, the Sun represents spirit.

How do you know if the sun is Benefic or malefic?

For Aries lagna the functional benefic are Mars, Sun, Jupiter and Moon. Mars is the Lagna lord, which is always seen as a benefic….Functional Malefic Planets for each Zodiac Signs.

Aries Mercury, Rahu, Ketu
Libra Mercury, Rahu, Ketu
Scorpio Venus, Rahu, Ketu
Sagittarius Moon, Rahu, Ketu
Capricorn Sun, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu

How can I impress Lord Surya?

Surya Bhagwaan remedies particularly done during the Morning time :

  1. Worship Lord Surya or Sun God, every morning.
  2. It is advised to pray Lord Rama, every morning during sun rise.
  3. Recite Aditya Hridya Strota.
  4. Fast for Surya; In order to get the blessings of Surya Bhagwan, it is advised to fast on Sundays.

How do you make a weak sun strong?

Other Sun Remedies

  1. Offer Water in a Copper vessel with a pinch of Red Vermilion to Lord Sun everyday or every Sunday.
  2. Always pay respect to your father, or father figure and government.
  3. Offer water to Shwetark tree and keep this plant as long as you can.
  4. Perform Surya Namaskar daily.

How do you know if a planet is strong or weak?

Any planet is considered strong when its longitude is between 05º to 25º in a particular sign and it is not in the state of weakness. The strebgth can further increase if the planet is.

How can I improve my Rahu?

Here are some astrological remedies to improve Rahu in your horoscope:

  1. I suggest you wear sandalwood tied in blue thread to diminish the negative effect of Rahu causing you anger and fright.
  2. I recommend you to meditate during Rahu Kaal everyday as it will protect you from ill influence of Rahu in your horoscope.