Which is correct awaken or awoken?

Which is correct awaken or awoken?

Awake and awaken are two distinct verbs that both mean “to rise from sleep.” The verb forms for awake are irregular, but the most common choices are awake, awoke, and was awoken. The verb forms for awaken are regular: awakens, awakened, was awakened.

Was woken or was awoken?

Wake, Woke, Awake, Awoken

Present Past-tense Past-Participal
wake woke waked (or woken)
awake awoke awaked (or awoken)
awaken awakened awakened
wake up woke up waked up

What is the origin of awaken?

awaken, from Old English awæcnan (earlier onwæcnan; strong, past tense awoc, past participle awacen) “to awake, arise, originate,” from a “on” + wacan “to arise, become awake;” and 2. 1300, shortened from awaken, original past participle of Old English awæcnan (see awaken). Figurative use by 1610s.

What’s another word for awakening?

In this page you can discover 54 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for awakening, like: outpouring, vigilance, awake, animating, mindful, stirring, arousal, renewal, revival, aware and conscious.

What are the symptoms of a spiritual awakening?

12 Symptoms of A Spiritual Awakening

  • An increased tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen.
  • Frequent attacks of smiling.
  • Feelings of being connected with others and nature.
  • Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation.
  • A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than from fears based on past experience.

What is the opposite of awaken?

The opposite of the transitive verb, as in “I awakened you” would be lull to sleep. ” I lulled you to sleep.” The opposite of the intransitive version, “You awakened” is to fall asleep- “You fell asleep.”

How do you describe your spiritual experience?

People may describe a spiritual experience as sacred or transcendent or simply a deep sense of aliveness and interconnectedness. Some may find that their spiritual life is intricately linked to their association with a church, temple, mosque, or synagogue.

How can I be more spiritual everyday?

Since spiritual wellness involves one’s values, beliefs, and purpose, it can be achieved in several ways—both physically and mentally.

  1. Explore your spiritual core.
  2. Look for deeper meanings.
  3. Get it out.
  4. Try yoga.
  5. Travel.
  6. Think positively.
  7. Take time to meditate.

How can I be spiritually strong in prayer?

I hope they will encourage you to make 2021 a year of prayer.

  1. Know to whom you are speaking.
  2. Thank him.
  3. Ask for God’s will.
  4. Say what you need.
  5. Ask for forgiveness.
  6. Pray with a friend.
  7. Pray the Word.
  8. Memorize Scripture.

Can atheist celebrate Christmas?

The relationship between atheists and Christmas today is complicated. Some atheists will continue to celebrate it fully, some will celebrate only portions, and others will reject it — with some of these creating alternative holidays and the smallest minority not bothering with any holidays at all.