Users questions

Which episode does Damon and Elena dance?

Which episode does Damon and Elena dance?

Miss Mystic Falls

Did Damon and Elena have a baby in real life?

Damon and Elena have a daughter. And her name is Stefanie Salvatore. Help. It’s beautiful news because the last time we saw Damon and Elena, they were happy and living their best lives.

What happens in the last dance Vampire Diaries?

The episode ends with Elena telling Damon that she will not let Bonnie die and that they have to find another way to kill Klaus. After their conversation, Elena heads to the basement where she removes the dagger from Elijah (Daniel Gillies) to bring him back to life.

Is Alaric an original vampire?

Alaric is a Human, Vampire Hunter, former history teacher at Mystic Falls High School and a former Enhanced Original, not by being one of the first vampires as the Mikaelson Family is, but instead being turned through an altered version of the spell used on the Mikaelson family.

Is Alaric a bad vampire?

It’s difficult to say whether Alaric was actually himself when he became a new Original vampire, as he wasn’t technically possessed by any other beings. However, he was definitely evil, and a ruthless killer to boot. Original Alaric hated all vampires and sought to kill them all.

Is Klaus a bad guy?

Klaus is a very very evil person. In comparison to the other “evil” characters, on both shows, he’s the devil. The others at least apologised and showed regret and remorse at what they had done.

Does Klaus kill Elena?

He thanks her, making her look him in the eye, but she tells him to go to hell. Klaus then drains Elena of her blood, killing her, though she returns to life. Klaus then planned to take Elena with him when he left however Damon and Katherine got him to leave without Elena, instead leaving Stefan to protect her.

Who is better Klaus or Damon?

Klaus, as an original vampire and a hybrid, is much older and more powerful than Damon. Klaus sired many vampires, and he is Damon’s vampire ancestor. Klaus’ power is proven when Damon is bitten, and his hybrid blood saves Damon. Even at Klaus’ very weakest, he is still more powerful than Damon.

Is Damon sired to Klaus?

Julie Plec confirmed that Klaus is the origin of the bloodline Stefan, Damon, Caroline and Elena are from. It is possible to unlink a vampire from their bloodline using magic, as Davina attempted in Season Two of The Originals, but her efforts were sabotaged by Kol.

Why would Damon die if Klaus dies?

When Damon attacked Klaus with Oak tree stack, Stefan came to stop Damon and saved Klaus. The reason was given that hybrids were ordered to kill Damon if Klaus died. When it comes to love for brother, hybrids weren’t a big deal because they were in limited numbers who could be killed easily by Salvatore brothers.

Is Michael stronger than Klaus?

Mikael was even proven to be considerably stronger than Klaus, as even while affected by werewolf venom in Live and Let Die, Mikael was still able to overpower him with only minor effort and even after being further weakened by Papa Tunde’s blade, could still physically overpower Klaus, nearly pushing the white oak …