Users questions

Which coffee is good to the last drop?

Which coffee is good to the last drop?

Maxwell House coffee

What has happened to Maxwell House coffee?

The 16-story Maxwell House plant in the East End has been sold to Maximus Coffee Group. Little will change at the facility except the sign with the tilted coffee cup….

What is the best coffee taste?

Read on to find out which coffees came out on top.

  • Eight O’Clock The Original. Score: 5.3/10. “This coffee has a nice mild flavor but is still a bit bitter.”
  • Peet’s Coffee Cafe Domingo Medium Roast. Score: 6.5/10. “There’s a nice, consistent flavor here.”
  • Starbucks Pike Place Roast. Score: 6.6/10. “It tastes fancy!”

Which company sells the most coffee?


Did they drink coffee in the Old West?

Coffee was ubiquitous in the frontier West. Contrary to popular belief, coffee was more in demand than alcohol, especially after John Arbuckle’s 1864 innovation. Up until then, coffee beans were sold green, and the buyer had to roast them in a skillet. Arbuckles’ Ariosa Coffee became the “Coffee that Won the West.”…

What’s the secret ingredient in cowboy coffee?


What does Cowboy Coffee mean?

French press coffee

Can you put used coffee grounds on grass?

The nutrients in coffee grounds are slowly broken down, allowing the turf to have a longer period of time to absorb them ensuring stronger turf for longer. Using coffee grounds as lawn fertilizer is also good for the worms. They love coffee almost as much as we do….

What kind of coffee did cowboys drink?

Cowboys were undoubtedly the most devoted group of coffee drinkers in the West. As a rule, they liked it strong, scalding hot, and barefooted (black). They derided weak coffee as dehorned bellywash or brown gargle….

How did they keep things cold in the Old West?

Up in your part of the country, they’d harvest ice from the rivers in the winter time and store it in caves or rock cellars. It would usually last most of the summer. Down in Arizona, you’d see signs in front of saloons saying “Cool Beer,” not “Cold Beer.” Wet gunny sacks and sawdust would keep the beer fairly cool.

Why is cowboy coffee so good?

One of my favorite things to do in camp is make cowboy coffee on our ol’ wood stove, Bertha. People who drink this coffee are hooked because they won’t have indigestion or acid reflux. It’s not one of those drip drop, spittin’ and spewing coffeemakers. Those don’t get water hot enough to do any good.