Users questions

Where is the reagent vendor in Stormwind?

Where is the reagent vendor in Stormwind?

Cathedral of Light in Cathedral Square

Where can I buy reagents in Orgrimmar?

Horthus is an orc reagent vendor located in the Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar….

Location Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar[45.4, 56.6]
Status Alive

Where can I buy shirts in Orgrimmar?

Ollanus is an orc light armor vendor located in Magar’s Cloth Goods in the Drag in Orgrimmar.

Where can I buy arcane powder in Orgrimmar?


Name Location Stock
Magenius Orgrimmar
Frostwolf Quartermaster Alterac Valley
Ginny Longberry Ironforge
Stormpike Quartermaster Alterac Valley

Where do I learn arcane brilliance?

the mage trainer

Where do I get arcane dust?

Where to get Arcane Dust by Disenchanting. Arcane Dust is disenchanted from green items approximately between the item levels of 66-120. Disenchanting items with the level of 100-120 has a higher chance of producing more Arcane Dust.

How can I get dust fast?

The fastest way to get dust outside of HoF and nerf patches (been getting a lot of dusts that way) is to use the most OP card in the game…the legendary credit card. Arena can also get you dust over time: if you play a lot and are good at it, it’s a legendary every week or better.

How do I get more arcane dust?

If you are new to the game, Arcane Dust is the resource that is used for crafting specific cards. Gold is the other resource, but it is used just for purchasing packs. Dust can be acquired by disenchanting cards in your collection, completing certain quests, and playing in the Arena.

Where do I get infinite dust?

Where to get Infinite Dust by Disenchanting. Infinite Dust is disenchanted from green items approximately between the levels of 130-200. Disenchanting items with the level of 152-200 has a higher chance of producing more Infinite Dust.

How do I get Hypnotic Dust?

The Chamber of the Moon (entrance at 42, 25 in Uldum) is a great place to farm for Hypnotic Dust. Most of the greens there will disenchant into 1-5 Hypnotic Dust, Lesser Celestial Essence or Greater Celestial Essence.

Where can I farm frostweave?


Can enchanters disenchant other people’s items?

an enchanter cannot disenchant someone else’s “soulbound” gear, an enchanter must physically possess whatever item is to be disenchanted so it cannot be done to any gear via the “will not be traded” box in the trade window.

How do you make items Soulbound?

Items usually become soulbound one of five ways:

  1. Acquiring the item marked as “Bind on Pickup”. Items given as quest rewards are usually BoP.
  2. Equipping an item that is marked as “Bind on Equip”.
  3. Using an item that is marked as “Bind on Use”.
  4. Using certain enchants on a non-bound item.

Can you give Soulbound items to alts?

So I asked around, and was nicely informed (thanks Aggro) that you could transfer Soulbound skins to Alts with a very simple method: You take your Soulbound item, and you Transmute it with a White quality item of the same type. The item will no longer be Soulbound, and you can now transfer your skin.

Can Soulbound items be mailed?

You can’t send soulbound items to anyone, only account-bound items like for example the Benthic Gear things you can farm in Nazjatar and then send to your alts in order to create their own gear.

Can you unbind items in wow?

There is currently no way to unbind an item without exploiting the assistance of a GM.

Where is Zommoros gw2?

The Lair of Zommoros is a djinn vault in the Purling Deep within Domain of Vabbi. It was the original home of Zomorros before the djinn left Elona for Central Tyria and made his new home in Mythwright Gambit.

Why can’t I salvage some items gw2?

Any item you get as a level reward can’t be salvaged. Also any item you purchased at a karma vendor can’t be salvaged.