Users questions

Where is Ogden Nash from?

Where is Ogden Nash from?

Rye, New York, United States

How many poems did Ogden Nash wrote?

500 pieces

How is the Tale of Custard the Dragon a ballad?

The tale of custard the dragon is a ballad. It is a humorous poem about a cowardly dragon named custard. Custard is a pet of Belinda, a little girl who lives in a little white house with her pets. She had a black kitten named ink, a grey mouse named blink, a yellow dog mustard and a cowardly dragon custard.

What is an example of ballad?

Folk (or traditional) ballads are anonymous and recount tragic, comic, or heroic stories with emphasis on a central dramatic event; examples include “Barbara Allen” and “John Henry.” Beginning in the Renaissance, poets have adapted the conventions of the folk ballad for their own original compositions.

How do you make a good ballad?

How to Write a Ballad in 7 Steps

  1. Choose a Great Ballad Topic. A ballad is a narrative poem.
  2. Write the Story as Prose First.
  3. Decide on the Format for Your Ballad.
  4. Pick the Right Place to Start.
  5. Concentrate on Imagery.
  6. Keep Working Within the Form.
  7. Read It Out Loud.

What kind of mood does elegy create?

The tone of the poem “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray” is sad and somber. The mood on the other hand is the overall feeling of a poem and is created by the tone of the poem. The mood in this poem is sorrowful and solemn.

How many lines does a ballad stanza?

four lines

How many lines is a ballad?

13 lines

Do ballads have dialogue?

Dialogue is also an indispensable feature of a ballad. The story is mostly told through dialogues. Ballad stanza is a stanza, which consists of four lines with abcb rhyme scheme. There are four accented syllables in the first and third line, while in the second and the fourth lines there are three accented syllables.