Where is Caesarea now?

Where is Caesarea now?


Who replaced Felix in Acts 25?

Porcius Festus

What is a procurator in the Bible?

Procurator (plural: Procuratores) was a title of certain officials (not magistrates) in ancient Rome who were in charge of the financial affairs of a province, or imperial governor of a minor province.

Who is a procurator?

Procurator, Latin Procurator, plural Procuratores, government financial agent in ancient Rome. In imperial provinces the procurator served under a legate; in senatorial provinces he exercised more authority within the administration of the governor and his quaestor.

Did Rome have governors?

A Roman governor was an official either elected or appointed to be the chief administrator of Roman law throughout one or more of the many provinces constituting the Roman Empire. A Roman governor is also known as a propraetor or proconsul.

What is a Procurator Fiscal in Scotland?

procurators fiscal), sometimes called PF or fiscal, is a public prosecutor in Scotland, who has the power to impose fiscal fines. The solicitor will work for a firm of solicitors, or in certain areas of Scotland could be a public defender working for the Public Defence Solicitors’ Office.

What is a judge called in Scotland?

A sheriff acts as a judge in one of the 39 Sheriff Courts in Scotland. They deal with a variety of civil and criminal cases leading to a sentence of up to five years, or a fine.

What is a coroner called in Scotland?

There is no system of coroners’ inquests in Scotland unlike England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Accidental, unexpected, unexplained, sudden or suspicious deaths are investigated privately for the local crown agent, an official called the procurator fiscal.

Who is the Lord Advocate in Scotland?

James Wolffe QC is a leading Senior Counsel, and was appointed Lord Advocate in June 2016.

Who controls the Crown Office in Scotland?

David Harvie

What are the other duties of an advocate depute?

Advocates Depute prosecute cases in the High Court, appear on behalf of the Crown in the criminal Appeal Court, make decisions about Fatal Accident Inquiries, and also assist and provide legal advice to the Procurators Fiscal on issues of complexity or sensitivity.

What is a lawyer called in Scotland?


What is the job of an advocate?

help you explore your options and rights (without pressuring you) provide information to help you make informed decisions. help you contact relevant people, or contact them on your behalf. accompany you and support you in meetings or appointments.

What is a Defence advocate?

A criminal defense lawyer is a lawyer (mostly barristers) specializing in the defense of individuals and companies charged with criminal activity. Some jurisdictions use a rotating system of appointments, with judges appointing a private practice attorney or firm for each case.

What kind of lawyer defends the victim?

Defense Attorney: the lawyer who represents the defendant in legal proceedings. Victims are usually not required to speak with defense attorneys except in court, but may do so if they choose.

What is a prosecutor called in England?

Crown Prosecutors (also known as reviewing lawyers) provide advice to investigators, make charging decisions and present prosecution cases in the Magistrates Court.

What to study to become a prosecutor?

To be appointed as a public prosecutor, a person must have an LLB degree. Public prosecutors are appointed by the National Prosecuting Authority. A state advocate is someone who has been admitted as an advocate of a High Court.

What powers do prosecutors have?

Prosecutors have near-unlimited power to make all the most consequential decisions in a criminal case from beginning to end.

  • Charge. Prosecutors decide whether to charge & what to charge.
  • Bail. Prosecutors request bail often knowing that a person cannot afford it.
  • Evidence.
  • Plea.

Who is the defendant and who is the plaintiff?

Plaintiff, the party who brings a legal action or in whose name it is brought—as opposed to the defendant, the party who is being sued. The term corresponds to petitioner in equity and civil law and to libelant in admiralty.