Users questions

Where did the term chicken head come from?

Where did the term chicken head come from?

Etymology. Contemporary use of the term may have originated in African-American sexual slang and gained popularity through use in hip hop, notably the 1996 skit “Chickenhead Convention” on the album Muddy Waters by Redman.

What happens if you let pious go?

Follow Pious. When you get outside, you can decide if you want to let Poius go, arrest him or kill him. If you decide to arrest him, you will have to defeat him in fist fight. If you let him go, he will give you Strange die.

Should I kill Antonius?

Antonius will give you a healing potion and an antidote (use the antidote immediately to get rid of the poison). Initially, agree to Antonius’s plan and then kill him. Once you agree to help him escape the monastery (and you will receive both potions), wait until Antonius goes to rest.

Do you have to kill pious?

Fortunately, there is a little trick you can do to arrest Pious, AND still get the dice from him without killing him. Pious will then regain consciousness in 30 minutes, and you will have successfully gotten Pious’ dice without killing him nor letting him escape a free man.

How do you know who is pious?

Pious is actually Novice Antonius. If you’re going the righteous route, talk to him and tell him you’re looking for Pious. He’ll poison your food during the next meal, then confront you. Agree to help him, and you’ll need to get some keys and some blood.

How do you capture pious?

Needle in a Haystack quest guide:

  1. Talk to Novice Antoninus.
  2. Take or skip the tour, then speak to Antoninus again and tell him you intend to kill Pious.
  3. Go about your day until meal time.
  4. Agree to Antoninus’ deal.
  5. Sneak downstairs during the night and add blood to the shopping list.
  6. Get the key from the back room.
  7. Go to bed.

How do you sneak into the monastery kingdom come?

All you have to do to skip the entire monastery quest. Before you go to the person to get the letter of admittance for the monastery. Wait until night and sneak through the door to the monastery by the side where the guard for the tunnels is. Then you will just sneak up into the sleeping quarters and kill the novices.

How do I get rid of Guardian Manfred?

Finding Karl and getting rid of Guardian Manfred: Talk to Karl and invite him for a drink. He’ll mention that his guardian, Manfred, won’t let him out of his sight. You have two options when you speak to Manfred, first is a level 10 speech check, which will lead to a game of dice.

Where are the monastery keys kingdom come?

How to acquire the Monastery Key in the Monastery in Kingdom Come? The first method to get the Monastery Key is to search the storeroom adjacent to the dining room. It’s best to do this when the meals are served (the kitchen and the storeroom are empty during that time) or during the night.

Where is the Abbots bedroom KCD?

The one in the Abbots Chambers is in the furthest bedroom with the full size bed. The page is in the corner, on a table that is hidden away behind the bed.

How do you make a padfoot potion?


  1. Pour Water into cauldron.
  2. Add Cobweb and Eyebright.
  3. Boil for three turns of the Sandglass.
  4. Grind Valerian in mortar and pestle then add it to the cauldron.
  5. Boil for one turn of the Sandglass.
  6. Allow cauldron to cool fully.
  7. Grind and add Chamomile.
  8. Distill.

How do you get poison in Kingdom Come Deliverance?


  1. Pour the oil in the cauldron.
  2. Add Thistle.
  3. Boil for one turn of the sandglass.
  4. Allow to cool fully.
  5. Add two handfuls of Herb Paris.
  6. Collect using phial.

How do you use alchemy KCD?

Brewing your first potion

  1. Start with the book on your right. Flip through the pages until you find the recipe you want to start with.
  2. Add your base. The four bases are on a high shelf to your left.
  3. Grab your first ingredient. Pull your first ingredient off the shelf and add it.
  4. Boiling and turns.
  5. Grind.
  6. Finish.

Can I learn alchemy?

It is impossible to pursue traditional alchemy, as science has proven that this type of magic is not real. However, learning how to become a modern day alchemist can help you attain success and feel more satisfied with your own life.

How do you make Savior snaps?


  1. Pour Wine into cauldron.
  2. Add Nettle.
  3. Boil for two turns of the sandglass.
  4. Allow to cool fully.
  5. Grind the Belladonna using the mortar and pestle.
  6. Add ground Belladonna to the cauldron.
  7. Boil for one turn of the sandglass.
  8. Collect using phial.

What disease is in Merhojed?

Walkthrough. During Questions and Answers, Henry learns that the town of Merhojed is suffering from a plague, which started the day after the raid.

How do you cure the plague in Kingdom Come?

To sum up, the recipe is:

  1. Add water to cauldron.
  2. Add two handfuls of Thistle.
  3. Boil the mixture for two turns of the hourglass by pressing the left trigger 4 to 5 times.
  4. Add the Valerian and boil for another turn.
  5. Wait for the flames to go out.
  6. Add the charcoal and pour into phial.

What word has johanka at the monastery?

Have a word with Johanka at the monastery Immediately head to the monastery in Sasau. There you can find a woman in the courtyard of the Monastery (or in one of the houses at night). She’s marked by a quest marker. Talk to her and she will tell you to go see brother Nicodemus.

Where is the bandit buried kingdom come?

Melichar tells me, the bandit is burried “behind the village, near the stone cross”.

Are quests in Kingdom Come time sensitive?

Usually the NPC giving the quest will tell you in one of three ways: You must arrive at a specific location at a certain time. If the next requirement for a quest is simply to ‘travel to ___ town,’ then the quest is usually not time sensitive (unless explicitly stated)