Users questions

Where can I find Taron Dreth in Skyrim?

Where can I find Taron Dreth in Skyrim?

Interactions. After completing “Lost to the Ages,” Taron Dreth may appear as a random encounter along the roads of Skyrim, along with three mercenaries. If the Dragonborn has one of the Aetherium items (Aetherial crown, shield, or staff) in their inventory, Taron will ask how this item was obtained.

Who is Taron Dreth Skyrim?

Taron Dreth is a Dunmer elemental mage who claims to be the “world’s foremost expert” in Dwemer metallurgy and forging techniques. He is supposedly the author of The Aetherium Wars, but reading Katria’s journal in Arkngthamz will reveal otherwise.

What did Valen Dreth do?

Valen Dreth is a Dunmer prisoner in the cell across from the Hero at the beginning of the game. He has been imprisoned for eleven years and is nearing the end of his prison sentence for an unknown crime. He is the target of the Dark Brotherhood quest “Scheduled for Execution.”

How do you kill Valen Dreth in Oblivion?

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Take the key from Valtieri, and make your way through the sewers.
  2. Find Valen Dreth in his cell, and kill him.
  3. (Optional) Do not kill any guards.
  4. Exit the prison and return to Valtieri.

How do you get into Francois Motierre house?

Motierre’s house is on the corner, next door to the house with the “For Sale” sign in front of it (your house, if you’ve already purchased it). You’ll have to pick the lock to get in and Motierre is right there, waiting for you. He’ll explain that the enforcer, an Argonian named Hides-His-Heart, is already on the way.

Who killed Lucien Lachance?

His Silencer was subsequently manipulated by the true traitor, Mathieu Bellamont. The Silencer then systematically assassinated half of the Black Hand, and, unknowingly, framed Lachance as the traitor. By the time Lachance had stopped his Silencer, Ungolim, the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, had already been slain.

Who is the spectral assassin in Skyrim?

Lucien Lachance

Can you perform the Black Sacrament in Skyrim?

You can’t perform the Sacrament on Sithis or the Night Mother, as they aren’t living, physical beings. The Dragonborn is the Listener, and he could perform the Sacrament on himself, as shown in the final DB quest: Astrid did it on herself.

Why did Astrid sent an assassin after me?

It’s a random encounter for you to get to know there is an Assassins Guild in the game. It happens always early in the game (so it’s somewhat scripted) and later you get the option to join them or destroy them. The player never gets to know who wanted you dead and you can’t ask any of the Dark Brotherhood about it.