Users questions

When to tell a girl she looks beautiful?

When to tell a girl she looks beautiful?

Try to do it at an unusual time. Most girls have been told they’re beautiful when they’re all dressed up for a night out. Try telling her she’s beautiful just after she’s come back from the gym, or when she’s not wearing any make-up. It’ll feel more meaningful and sincere.

What does a beauty mean?

1 : the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit : loveliness a woman of great physical beauty exploring the natural beauty of the island A thing of beauty is a joy forever …— John Keats.

What does your one in a million mean?

: a person or thing that is very unusual, special, or admired Thanks for all the help you’ve given me. You’re one in a million.

What does the saying put on the dog mean?

US, informal + old-fashioned. : to pretend that one is very stylish or rich They really put on the dog for their daughter’s wedding.

What does the idiom nose in the air mean?

: to behave in a way that shows one thinks one is better than other people He’s a snob and always has his nose in the air when he’s around us.

What does the idiom not a dry eye in the house mean?

—used to say that everyone in the audience in a theater or concert hall has tears in their eyes When the movie ended, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

What does the idiom hot off the presses mean?

Newly printed; sensational and exciting. For example, I’ve got it hot off the press—he’s resigning, or This design is hot off the press. [ c. 1900]

What does bat an eye mean?

To display a subtle emotional reaction, such as consternation, annoyance, sadness, joy, etc. Generally used in the negative to denote that the person in question did not display even a hint of an emotional response. Mary didn’t even bat an eye when I told her I was moving out. That guy is dangerous.

What is the meaning of to keep someone posted?

: to regularly give (someone) the most recent news about something Keep me posted on how the project is coming along.

Will keep them posted?

COMMON If you keep someone posted, you continue giving them the latest information about a situation. She made me promise to keep her posted on developments. I’ll keep you posted with what’s happening.

Is up-to-date or updated?

Up-to-date described the current condition. Updated also describes the current condition, but indicates that there was a previous version to which something has been done so that it is now more up-to-date.

Do you have any updates meaning?

An “update” is new information about something. For example, if your uncle is in the hospital for surgery, you can call another family member to get an “update” on his condition.