Users questions

When can you activate a trap card?

When can you activate a trap card?

A Trap Card must first be Set and can only be activated after the current turn has finished. After that, it may be activated during either player’s turn. Trap Cards are Spell Speed 2, with the exception of Counter Trap Cards, which are Spell Speed 3.

How many trap cards can you activate per turn?

5 cards

Can you activate trap cards during your battle phase?

As explained in previous questions, only Spell Speed 2+ cards can be activated during the Battle Phase(that is, normal trap, counter trap, continuous trap, quick-play spell, or any Speed 2 monster eff). If your card is one of these you can activate it, unless otherwise restricted.

Can you activate a trap card the turn you set it?

You cannot activate a Trap in the same turn that you Set it, but you can activate it at any time after that—starting from the beginning of the next turn. Normal Trap Cards have single-use effects and once their effects are resolved, they will be sent to the Graveyard, just like Normal Spell Cards.

Can you activate Trap Cards during your opponent’s standby phase?

The Standby Phase (Japanese: スタンバイフェイズ Sutanbai Feizu) happens immediately after the Draw Phase. Nothing is required of either player during this Phase unless a card mentions it. Trap Cards, Quick-Play Spell Cards and monster Quick Effects may be activated in this Phase.

When can quick effects be activated?

During your opponent’s turn, you can activate Quick Effects in Box C, D, or E. (Exception: During the Damage Step, the only Quick Effects you can activate are those that directly modify ATK/DEF, negate activations, mention an activation timing that occurs only during the Damage Step, or belong to Desrook Archfiend.)

Can you activate quick play spells during your opponent’s turn?

Mechanics. Face-down Quick-Play Spell Cards can be activated during either player’s turn, but they cannot be activated the turn they are Set, very much like Trap Card. i.e. If a player Sets a Quick-Play Spell Card during their own turn, they cannot activate it until the beginning of their opponent’s next turn.

Can you activate cards during the draw phase?

Draw Phase (Japanese: ドローフェイズ Dorō Feizu) is the first phase of every turns, in which the turn player conducts their normal draw to draw 1 card from their Deck. Trap Cards, Quick-Play Spell Cards, and Quick Effects may be activated in this phase, after the turn player has drawn a card.

Can you activate effects during battle phase?

Cards and effects cannot be activated. Determine if the monster is destroyed by battle.

Can you chain a normal trap to a quick play spell?

They cannot chain their effects to anything. Quick play spell cards, normal trap cards, quick monster effects (once per turn during either player’s turn, or a card like formula synchron), and continuous traps all have spell speed 2. These can chain to spell speed 1 cards and other spell speed 2 cards.

Can you chain to draw phase?

You Cannot chain to a draw, or a phase change, or a summon, or someone setting a tap card.

Can you chain to a counter trap?

Only Counter Traps may be chained to Counter Traps. Furthermore, there can only be one chain in response to the attack, although your opponent is allowed to activate a card or effect in a different chain during the same Battle Step (but not a card or effect that must be activated in response to an attack).

Can you negate a counter trap card?

Other than that, most Counter Traps can only negate the activation of a Spell/Trap Card, or Monster Effects; they cannot negate Spell/Trap effects that are already face-up on the field or in the GY. A group of Fairy-Type monsters, usually referred to as Counter Fairies, support Counter Trap Cards.

How do you negate Trap cards?

When your opponent activates a trap on either turn, if you control a plant monster, you can send Archer from your hand to the graveyard to negate and destroy that trap. Thus, negate the trap with only one card, making Archer a prime shield for plant-focused decks.

How do you counter trap cards?

“Wiretap” is one of the most basic Counter Trap Cards out there. When the opponent activates a Trap Card, “Wiretap” will negate it and shuffle it back into the Deck. While its activation is limited to exclusively other Trap Cards, “Wiretap’s” ability to negate Trap Cards with no downside is not to be undervalued.

Can you activate counter traps during the damage step?

Cards and effects that can be activated. The following cards/effects can be activated during the Damage Step: Counter Trap Cards.