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What You Need to Know: Finding A Digital Market Agency in Calgary

When you have your business running for a while, you might come to realize that most of the action occurs online. As a result, you might want to take the next step right away and look for an agency that will help you go online.

However, there are some things you need to know, especially if you have your business in the Calgary area. Calgary offers a particular set of challenges that needs to be properly taken into account, so that you can position your business straight up to the first ranks of visibility.

So, here we’ll show you what these aspects are that you need to address, when looking for a digital marketing agency in Calgary. This way you’ll have the knowledge you need in order to properly choose the option that works best for you and your business.

Defining Your Purpose

Before you start, it is important to know and clearly define which type of marketing is best for your business. A practical method to define this is to use a formula known as ROI (return of investment). To calculate this means to define the potential profit margin you’ll get after an investment and can be expressed as follows:

ROI = (net profit/investment)*100

However, this formula does not represent the magic solution to accurately predict how well you can do whilst using certain types of marketing. There are many factors that the ROI needs to correlate with such as:

  • website visits
  • social media metrics
  • leads from other websites

However, ROI can be a pretty helpful tool in the long term, that can leave a glance of the potential conversion rates you can get on your website.

Questions to Ask

Before even reaching out to a potential digital marketing agency, it is important that you have a predefined set of questions to ask, in order for you to make sure these folks actually know their business.

First, know their timeline as this will give you a pretty good hint of how much time they’ve been in the game. Generally speaking the more time they have operating, the better, as they will have a more robust level of expertise in comparison to other local agencies.

Then you want to ask the type of services they offer. This can sometimes be tricky as many marketing agencies might have the apparent same services.

Nevertheless, if you scratch beyond the surface you might find that there are some agencies that tend more to SEO search, or others that are more into social media or developing multimedia content.

Finally, other types of questions to ask are the ones that help you get a grip on how the recruitment and working process of that agency works. Believe it or not digital marketing agencies have the right to choose which clients to work with. The guys from Search Beast – Calgary Marketing can attest to that.

Local digital marketing is more about working for really specific market niches, rather than just focusing on making your brand look appealing to the masses. Therefore, the more specific those selection filters are, the more chances you have to be totally satisfied with the job they do.

Gathering Evidence

This has everything to do with referrals. The most important ones are the ones coming from local businesses in Calgary. The normal rule should be that clients mostly have a positive feedback about their SEO service, as well as social media, due to the fact that those are the laying foundations to build a successful online presence.

Also, you want to pay close attention to how well an agency understands and adapts the culture and the structure of the businesses they have worked with. All of these aspects combined can increase your online visibility to unthinkable levels.

Services They Offer

Before we can begin to tackle the spectrum of services that a digital marketing agency offers, we need to begin by defining what digital marketing actually is. Simply put, everything that goes online is related to digital marketing, therefore everything that adds up to that digital presence falls under this category.

From this playground a lot of services can be offered, however, the most essential ones are

  • SEO development
  • Social media management

At the same time, there are two different kinds of digital marketing agencies, the ones that are full service and the ones that manage a specific kind of niche.

If you want to be the best at local level the most recommended agency would be a niche one as local markets have their own special type of needs, and adjustments that are easier to be managed by them, rather than a full service that deals with big corporations that attend to a more wider market scope.

However, it is important for you to understand that in order to own your business you need to know your market beforehand and have your vision, mission and values well defined, so the agency can have a reference point to start from.

Level of Influence

A digital market strategy is not only about the looks, as there are many different factors that play a vital role in the level of influence an agency can print into your business.

Telling Great Stories: One of the major factors of having a great online presence is to be able to tell amazingly good stories.

Studies have proven over and over again that developing a great story is way more effective and efficient than spending thousands of dollars on a visually appealing campaign. So, the more authentic that story is the better.

The Perfect Network: Is not about meeting lots of people as it is more about meeting the right kind of people. That also applies to influencers, as building a relationship with the right kind of people can lead to properly identifying the target audience to whom your product or service is genuinely appealing.

GDPR: The General Data Protection Regulation has become mandatory, bringing radical changes in how private data is treated. Therefore, a digital marketing agency to dominate this has become crucial, as this factor has a deep impact in how marketing strategies are being conducted.

Efficient Websites: Websites they construct for other businesses need to be high quality and really efficient in terms of speed and keywords, as that is the presentation letter of every business that has an online presence.

Great Graphics: High resolution photos are a must, as the most popular content on the internet is the content that has incredibly appealing graphics. This constitutes the cherry on the cake of a highly functional online presence.