What was VGER in Star Trek?

What was VGER in Star Trek?

A sentient, massive entity which threatened Earth in 2271, en route to find its “Creator.” In doing so, V’Ger destroyed anything it encountered by digitizing it for its memory chamber.

What happened to V Ger?

At the end of TMP, the V’Ger craft (arguably perhaps the biggest single space craft we’ve seen in Trek*) just peacefully fades away around the Enterprise leaving, it would seem, no trace.

Who is veger?

Veger, formerly Count Veger, is the secondary antagonist of Jak 3, also appearing in Daxter. As his title of “count” implies, he is a high-ranking councilman in the Grand Council of Haven City.

Did v GER create the Borg?

From this, the Borg were created, as extensions of V’ger’s purpose. Drones were made from those assimilated and merged into a collective consciousness. The Borg Queen was created out of the necessity for a single unifying voice. With thoughts and desires of her own, she was no longer bound to serve V’ger.

Why did Picard quit Starfleet?

As a result, the Federation banned all synths, and Starfleet decides not to mount the rescue of Romulus. As Picard says, he believes that not helping the Romulans demonstrates the Federation and Starfleet turning its back on its duties and principles, and that caused him to resign.

Why is Picard dying?

After Picard and Dr. Agnes Jurati (Alison Pill) use Rios’ (Santiago Cabrera) ship to defend the homeworld of an advanced race of androids (Synths) from the Romulan armada hellbent on wiping them out, Picard succumbs to his neurological ailment and dies.

Are the Borg defeated in Star Trek Picard?

In Star Trek: Picard, which takes place approximately 20 years after the defeat of the Borg in Star Trek: Voyager, the Romulans have acquired an entire Borg cube, the Borg’s primary form of starship, that has been disconnected from the Collective.

Did Picard meet Spock?

Unification parts 1 & 2 On Romulus, Picard and Data meet with Spock, who claims to be trying to reunite the Romulans and Vulcans. Meanwhile however, powers within the Romulan government attempt to pervert Spock’s mission and portray it as an invasion of the Federation.

How did DATA die?

Yes, back in 2002 movie Star Trek: Nemesis, Data ended up sacrificing himself to save Picard and the Enterprise, beaming onboard the Romulan ship Scimitar (under the command of Picard’s clone Shinzon, of course) to prevent it from turning its thalaron radiation weapon on both his fellow crew and (subsequently) the …

Did data sleep with Tasha Yar?

Data’s quest to become human seems a little inauthentic when he moons over the loss of an old flame like a sentimental old man who’s hit the bottle a little too hard. His tryst with Tasha Yar is cringe-worthy at best (more about that later), but when Yar dies, Data keeps a hologram image to remember her by.

Did Picard marry Dr Crusher?

Crusher and Captain Picard had been married and then divorced—still evidently having feelings for each other after so many years. Little information is given about the circumstances of their marriage or separation. Beverly and Jean-Luc have married, but still serve together on the Enterprise-E.