Users questions

What type of reaction is heating CuSO4 5H2O?

What type of reaction is heating CuSO4 5H2O?

When copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO4•5H2O) is heated, it decomposes to the dehydrated form. The waters of hydration are released from the solid crystal and form water vapor. The hydrated form is medium blue, and the dehydrated solid is light blue.

What happens when CuSO4 is heated equation?

Answer. The heat causes blue copper sulphate (also known as hydrated copper sulphate) to decompose forming anhydrous copper sulphate and water.

What happens when anhydrous copper sulphate is heated?

When Copper sulfate is heated strongly, it changes into white coloured anhydrous copper sulphate. Later, when water is added again to it then again the colour of copper sulphate is changed to blue. It is a reversible chemical change.

What is the difference between hydrated and anhydrous copper sulphate?

Anhydrous Compound: An anhydrous compound is defined as one in which the molecule(s) of water of hydration has been removed. For instance, anhydrous copper (II) sulfate is white in color whereas the hydrated form, copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate, is blue in color.

What Colour is copper sulphate solution?


Why CuSO4 5H2O is blue in Colour while CuSO4 is Colourless?

In CuSO4. 5H2O water acts as ligand as a result it causes crystal field splitting. 5H2O and shows colour. In the anhydrous CuSO4 due to the absence of water ligand crystal field splitting is not possible and hence no colour.

What is the color of the ZnSO4 solution?


Why is ZnSO4 Colourless?

In Zinc sulphate,Zn is in +2 state i.e.[Ar]3d10.It has no unpaired electrons so energy is not able to excite the electrons. Hence, it cannot undergo d-d transition and shows no colour.

Why is Cu2+ Coloured and paramagnetic?

Answer. Cu2+ has an unpaired electron (its configuration is [Ar] 3d9), whereas Zn2+ has all paired electrons (configuration [Ar] 3d10). Also, the unpaired electron in the copper ion allows electron transition in the visible region to take place, so the ion is coloured.

Why Cu2O is red and Cu2S is black?

But Cu2O and Cu2S are coloured due to charge transfer of electrons from O2- or S2- to the vacant orbital of Cu+ ion. They do have incomplete d orbitals in their compound state. So they are included in the transition elements.