What to ask when playing 21 questions with a guy?

What to ask when playing 21 questions with a guy?

21 Questions To Ask a Guy

  • What type of food do you like?
  • What kind of music do you like listening to?
  • What would you do if you won a million dollars?
  • Do you like pets?
  • What is your dream job?
  • What’s your favorite hobby?
  • Do you like traveling?
  • Do you like sports?

How do u flirt over text?

How to Flirt With a Guy over Text (Without Being Obvious)

  1. Be Unique (By Being Yourself) You want him to like YOU, not a made-up person he won’t recognize when he talks to you face to face.
  2. Use His Name.
  3. Ask an Open Question.
  4. Make Him Laugh.
  5. Tease Him.
  6. Compliment Him Over Text.
  7. Use Emoticons.
  8. Leave Him Wanting More.

What are some deep questions to ask your friends?

Deep questions to ask your best friend

  • Have you ever wanted to die?
  • How would you prefer to die?
  • What do you think is the meaning of life?
  • What was the most difficult “goodbye” in your life?
  • What’s your best memory?
  • What’s your worst memory?
  • When was the last time you cried?
  • What do you struggle with the most?

What are genuine questions?

A genuine question is one that stems from curiosity. You ask so that you may learn something you don’t already know. For example, the question, “Do you really think that will work?” is not a genuine question because embedded in your question is your own view that you doubt it will work.

What do I want out of life questions?

10 Questions to Ask Yourself to Discover What You Want

  • What Does The Best Day in My Ideal Lifestyle look like?
  • If Money Were No Object, What Would I Do Today, Next Week and Next Month?
  • What Are My Values?
  • What Am I Tolerating?
  • What Am I Most Passionate About?
  • What Are My Health Goals?
  • What Are My Career Goals?

What are powerful coaching questions?

Great coaches also inquire: asking powerful questions so others can tap into their own knowledge and expertise….Set direction.

  • What is the best possible outcome?
  • What are you trying to achieve?
  • What do you want to happen next?
  • What does success look like?
  • How will you know if you’ve succeeded?

What questions does a life coach ask?

Print out this post and keep it with you when you coach.

  • I’m curious; may I ask you a few questions?
  • What’s great about your life this week?
  • How have you grown this week?
  • What did you accomplish this week?
  • Who did you serve?
  • What did you learn?
  • Who else will benefit?
  • What are you grateful for?

What should I ask my life coach?

10 Questions for Picking Your Perfect Life Coach

  1. What is it I want to accomplish?
  2. What kind of coach do I need?
  3. How much am I willing to invest?
  4. Do I prefer structure or customized approach for me?
  5. What results have they achieved with other clients?
  6. What results have they achieved in their own life?
  7. Is the coach giving me advice?
  8. Do I have chemistry with the coach?

What should I ask a wellness coach?

Questions to Clarify Goals

  • What are 3 specific health goals you’d like to achieve?
  • What time frame do you have in mind to achieve these goals?
  • How long have you had these goals?
  • Why are these goals important to you?
  • What will achieving them mean to you?
  • What would it take to achieve these goals?

What are high mileage questions?

A high mileage question is one that gives you more in the answer than can be contained in the question. It also will give you answers you likely wouldn’t have thought of when you were in ‘problem solving’ mode, which is often governed by more linear thinking and less creativity.

What questions will a nutritionist ask me?

Questions you should be asking about nutrition

  • How would you describe your diet?
  • What does a healthy diet look like to you?
  • What did you have for breakfast?
  • How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you have per day?
  • How often do you eat fish?
  • What medications are you taking?