Users questions

What time is it at 23 59?

What time is it at 23 59?

Military Time 2359 is: 11:59 PM using 12-hour clock notation, 23:59 using 24-hour clock notation.

Time Zone Name Letter 12-hour clock
Oscar Time Zone O 09:59 P.M.
November Time Zone N 10:59 P.M.
Zulu Time Zone Z 11:59 P.M.
Alpha Time Zone A 12:59 A.M.

What does 0000 mean in military time?


What is 23 oclock?

24-hour clock

24-hour clock 12-hour clock
20:00 8:00 p.m.
21:00 9:00 p.m.
22:00 10:00 p.m.
23:00 11:00 p.m.

What does ASM mean in texting?

A Single Man

What is the difference between PM and DM?

I’d say private message (PM) is the term people normally default to, but some (younger?) people will often say DM me (“direct message me”) regardless of the application.

Does PM stand for private message?

A private message, personal message, or direct message (abbreviated as PM or DM) is a private communication channel between users on any given platform. Unlike public posts, PMs are only viewable by the participants.

What is the difference between direct message and private message in zoom?

The in-meeting chat allows you to send chat messages to other users within a meeting. You can send a private message to an individual user, or you can send a message to an entire group. As the host, you can choose who the participants can chat with or to disable chat entirely.

How do you send a private message on Whatsapp?

Private Reply is easy to use – simply tap the message of the person you wish to chat with. Next, press the menu that appears on the top right corner. This reveals the Private Reply option. The selected message will then open privately in the chat window in the form of a reply thread.

How do I chat with someone on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp lets you create a link that will allow the user to start a chat with them. By clicking the link, a chat with the person automatically opens. This ‘Click to Chat’ works on both phone and WhatsApp Web.

Can you like a WhatsApp message?

WhatsApp allows you to add messages as favorites. Once you favorite a certain message in a group or individual chat, you will be able to find it again by going to the Group Info section by tapping on the name of the chat at the top and then going to Starred Messages.

How do you chat with one person on WhatsApp?

Here’s the procedure:

  1. Open WhatsApp.
  2. Tap on “Chats”
  3. Open the desired chat conversation.
  4. Tap on the name of the person.
  5. Tap on “Mute”
  6. Select the desired mute period.

What WhatsApp 2020?

In 2020, WhatsApp also introduced an advanced search feature. It allows all the users to filter the search with not only photos, texts, audio, GIFs, and videos, but also documents as well as links. You can use the Advanced Search feature by just tapping on the search icon on the top bar and initiate a search.