Users questions

What songs did the foundations write?

What songs did the foundations write?

US singles

  • “Baby Now That I’ve Found You” / “Come On Back To Me” – Uni 55038 – 1967 US No.
  • “Back on My Feet Again” / “I Can Take or Leave Your Loving” – Uni 55058 – 1968 – US No.
  • “Any Old Time (You’re Lonely and Sad)” / “We Are Happy People” – Uni 55073 -1968.

What year did Build Me Up Buttercup?


What does it mean when a guy calls you Buttercup?

“Buttercup” is an old-fashioned endearment. A hundred years ago, this would have been a compliment, like “sweetheart” or “dear”. Nowadays, it’s probably equivalent to being called cute. Usually that’s a nice thing or at least well-intended, but it’s also possible that he’s being patronizing.

What to say after what’s up Buttercup?

  • Doin’ fine, Clementine!
  • I’m out of bed you Daisy Head!
  • Feelin’ lazy, Daisy.
  • Top of the hour, Sunflower.
  • Feelin’ relaxed as beeswax!
  • Feelin’ chill, Daffodil.
  • Takin’ a trip through the Tulips.
  • Hey there, Lavender!

What rhymes glad?

What rhymes with glad?

  • 1 syllable. Dad. Sad. Mad. Pad. Add. Had. Bad. Flat. Sat. Rat. Gat.
  • 2 syllables. Notepad. Combat. Attack. Backpack. Nomad. Baghdad. Granddad. Ipad. Jihad. Comrade. Siad.
  • 3 syllables. Trinidad. Maniac. Sociedad. Ironclad. Ciudad. Stalingrad. Amistad. Undergrad. Habitat. Understand. Acrobat.
  • 4 syllables. Islamabad. Aristocrat. Insomniac.

What is the rhyming word of song?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
pong 100 Noun
thong 100 Noun
prong 100 Noun
sarong 100 Noun

What word rhymes with could?

What rhymes with could?

  • 1 syllable. Would. Good. Should. Stood. Hood. You’d. Foot. Put. Hook.
  • 2 syllables. Childhood. Facebook. Manhood. Wedgewood. Westwood. Eastwood. Withstood. Redwood. Boyhood.
  • 3 syllables. Understood. Neighborhood. Hollywood. Brotherhood. Adulthood. Firewood. Bollywood. Likelihood.
  • 4 syllables. Misunderstood. Gobbledygook.

Do stood and could rhyme?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
good 100 [/]
stood 100 [/]
understood 100 [xx/]
wood 100 [/]