What should I write in Death Note?
What should I write in Death Note?
One must know the face of the person whose name is written down for there to be an effect. That way, people with the same names will not be affected all at once. If you write a cause of death after the name like this: (Name) died from (cause), then that will happen. You can write with any pen: the color doesn’t matter.
What is the death note font called?
About Death Note Font One is Death Font created by Joshua1985 resembling the book cover font and another is Death Note created by Rebirth Organization that is similar to the film poster font. In addition, the font that L uses in his signature āLā is known as Cloister Black.
What happens if you write a shinigami’s name in a death note?
If you make the Shinigami write down a random human’s name, you run into Rule X. 2, which prevents your Death Note entry from being the direct cause of death of anyone other than the people you specifically listed by name.
Why are the letters in Death Note sideways?
Tilting the N slightly makes it look like the letters are keeling over one by one, connecting the typography to the theme of people dying off.
What is Happy’s IQ in scorpion?
Can scorpion venom kill you?
A scorpion’s venom is a mixture of compounds, including neurotoxins that affect the victim’s nervous system. Stings from dangerous species may cause paralysis, severe convulsions, cardiac irregularities, breathing difficulties, and even death. Antivenins are available in areas where dangerous scorpions live.
How many eyes do Scorpions have?
two eyes
Do female scorpions kill their mates?
In response to this predicament and eight step courtship ritual plus a mating dance are used by scorpions to indicate an interest in mating. The courtship ritual consists of multiple attempts (which are often successful) of the female attempting to kill and eat the male. This renders the male completely sterile.
How do Scorpions get pregnant?
During courtship, the male and female scorpion grasp each other’s pincers and move around in a “dance” where the male tries to maneuver the female onto his deposited sperm packet. Most species give live birth and the female cares for the young as their exoskeletons harden, transporting them on her back.
Who eats scorpion?
Scorpions are preyed upon by large centipedes, tarantulas, lizards, birds (especially owls), and mammals such as bats, shrews, and grasshopper mice.
What do spiders taste like?
The taste has been described as bland, “rather like a cross between chicken and cod”, with a contrast in texture from a crispy exterior to a soft centre. The legs contain little flesh, while the head and body have “a delicate white meat inside”.