Users questions

What means humbug?

What means humbug?

willfully false, deceptive

What does I wear the chain I forged in life mean?

“I wear the chain I forged in life” Marley’s chains are a symbol of greed. Scrooge is making his chain with his evil, covetous ways. He is going to hell! To a poor one most” Three Scrooge must learn to change his ways: he must give to charity and look after the poor (like the Cratchit family).

Is Jacob Marley in purgatory?

It becomes clear that Marley’s punishment is not to be condemned to Hell, a place of eternal torment from which there is no release and no escape, but that he is in Purgatory, as he has been constantly wandering the earth in the seven years since his death.

What did Jacob Marley say to Scrooge?

According to Jacob, his visit to Scrooge has a key purpose: “I am here to-night to warn you, that you have yet a chance and hope of escaping my fate.” In other words, Marley hopes that he can prevent Scrooge from having to endure the same fate in the afterlife. For Marley, life after death has been very hard.

Why is Marley fettered?

Hover for more information. When Scrooge first sees the ghost, he notices that it is “fettered” or chained. The chain was tied around the ghost’s waist. What he means by this is that every link in the chain has been made by some act of selfishness or inhumanity to mankind.

What does the bell symbolize in A Christmas Carol?

The bell is in a nearby church clock, connoting God watching over Scrooge, making judgements about him. Dickens makes Scrooge systematically count the time to further build tension and make us uneasy.

What does the ghost of Jacob Marley wear?

Marley’s appearance warns Scrooge of his potential fate. “I wear the chain I forged in life,” replied the Ghost. “I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it. He acts surprised that Scrooge does not recognize what makes up his chain.