Users questions

What kind of noun is popular?

What kind of noun is popular?

the state of being liked, enjoyed, or supported by a large number of people the increasing popularity of biking Her novels have gained in popularity over recent years.

What is the abstract noun for holy?

Answer: ◍The abstract noun for the adjective “holy” is “holiness” as in, “The holy Scriptures provide real-life examples of holiness.” You can often add “ness” to an adjective to create a noun.

What do you mean by popular?

: liked or enjoyed by many people. : accepted, followed, used, or done by many people. : of, relating to, or coming from most of the people in a country, society, or group.

What’s the abstract noun for boy?

The abstract noun of boy is boyhood.

Is popular a noun or verb?

The adjective popular describes something that is well-liked or admired by a lot of people. Sometimes when you read a bestselling novel, you wonder why it’s so popular. Popular comes from the Latin word populus, which means people.

How do you use popular?

Popular sentence example

  1. He had now become a popular leader.
  2. You’re certainly popular tonight.
  3. She looked around, curious as to why such a popular site was so quiet.
  4. Allen was good looking, popular and exciting.
  5. If computers are so popular , perhaps we should consider buying one for the use of our guests.

What is the abstract noun for the word popular?

– Answers The abstract noun form of the adjective ‘popular’ is popularity. Home Science Math and Arithmetic History Literature and Language Technology

What are the different types of abstract nouns?

There are many types of nouns, including concrete and abstract nouns. Concrete nouns are people, places, or things that can be experienced by one of the five senses. Abstract nouns are concepts or ideas that a person cannot see, hear, touch, taste, or smell. Instead, abstract nouns are intangible concepts or ideas.

Which is the best definition of a noun?

A noun is a person, place, thing, concept, or idea. There are many types of nouns, including concrete and abstract nouns. Concrete nouns are people, places, or things that can be experienced by one of the five senses. Abstract nouns are concepts or ideas that a person cannot see, hear, touch, taste, or smell.

Can you see, smell, taste and touch an abstract noun?

You cannot see, smell, hear, taste, or touch abstract nouns. Abstract nouns refer to intangible things that don’t exist as physical objects. For example, the word cat refers to a cute animal. You can see and touch a cat.